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He pushed her to couch and leaned on her when Annika kicked hard on his stomach making him fell down holding his stomach.

Annika breathed and started running towards stairs, though due to her wrenched ankle she was stumbling but she wanted to get rid of the beast.

"Please helppp !!!" She shouted on top of the voice and cried loudly.

Whereas, Daksh laughed evilly and ran behind. Annika looked back at him and cried hard. She was running through corrider making her way to other side of stairs, Daksh was coming behind her angrily.

She ran downstairs.

"You bitch stay there !!!" Daksh yelled.

Annika was climbing down last stair while looking back at Daksh, when door flunged open and someone entered in the mansion taking large steps.

Annika cried loudly and ran towards the man. She did'nt know who was the man. She just know that God had listened to her prayers and sent an angel for her help.

Daksh got scared seeing the man and stopped in the mid of the stairs. Annika was crying hugging the man.

Shivaay was standing there in shock with Annika hugging him shiveringly. He looked at her dishevelled hair, sweaty face, her bare feet and duppata? There was red mark on her neck. He felt pang on his heart seeing her condition and eventually blood rushed through his spines making his eyes red, nose flaring anger and his whole face became red.

He looked up at Daksh with red eyes. He very delicately separated Annika from her. She hid behind him.

Shivaay ran towards stairs.

"How dare you bastard ?!!" He shouted holding him by his collar. He punched on his jaws tightly.

He started beating him blue and black. He was kicking on his stomach and mouth beastly. Daksh cried and begged. But the beast was least affected he slammed his head on the railing harshly. But his anger was'nt reducing. He dragged him downstairs. He was'nt getting satisfied.

"How dare you touch her dammit !!Do you know who is she?" He kicked on his stomach numerous times.

Daksh cried. His whole body head and nose was bleeding. Shivaay looked back at Annika, who was standing numb. She was standing without duppata.

He moved towards couch and picked her duppata. He went to her with his shivering hands. But his eyes were down. He raised his hands to cover her when.

"Shivaaaay !!!" Dadaji roared on top of his voice.

Shivaay looked back towards entrance and found whole family standing there. Dadi ji's anger raised to peek seeing Annika's duppata in his hands.

Aryan, Annika's elder brothers,  moved towards Shivaay angrily. Shivaay looked at all of them nodding no. He look at Annika's duppata and then  dadaji

"How dare you touch my sister !!" Aryan pulled him by his collar.

They all misunderstood the situation. Daksh was laying on the floor crying in pain. Annika was standing numb. Shivay had Annika's duppata in his hand.

"Leave my collar. You are taking me wrong !!!!" Shivaay roared pushing Aryan away.

Meanwhile, Kamini, daksh's and Tia came forward from crowd.

She got shocked seeing her son's condition and started her mellodramma.

"Hayee Ram, my son !!!Look at his condition. He is covered in blood." She started crying and ran to Daksh.

She was crying less but throwing tantrums more. Shivaay shook his head and moved towards Annika. He covered her with piece of cloth and turned around.

"You guys are taking me wrong ----

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