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Today was their flight back to India. They were present in the airport. During whole journey, they remained silent.

Annika took a deep breath when they reached their homeland. She became much happy. Khanna had come to pick them.

They were welcomed warmly in Oberoi mansion. After meeting with everyone they left to take rest.



Everyone was gathered at living room. Shivika had also got freshen up. They all were busy gossiping.

" How was London ? " asked Dada jaan from Annika lovingly.

" It was beautiful Dada jaan. " she smiled.

" And all over journey and the stay ? " he asked.

Flashback came in front of her eyes of what they both did London. She could'nt answer that Shivaay spoke to cover the topic.

" We really enjoyed, Dada jaan. In fact, Mrs. was'nt in mood of returning. " said Shivaay teasingly making Annika's jaws touch the floor.

" Dada jaan Shivaay is leing. " she gritted her teeth pointing at Shivaay.

Everyone smiled.

" Haww. Don't lie na. Dada jaan she was saying me to take her to Paris. " he said irritating her more.

" Ya Allah !!! Shivaay don't lie na. Dada jaan look at him. He is smirking. " she told irritated.

Dada jaan supressed his smile and looked at Shivaay narrowing his eyes.

" Shivaay, don't tease my daughter. " Pinky smacked on his head.

" Dada jaan, do you know what Shivaay did to me there ? " Annika smirked and looked at Shivaay with warning.

Shivaay who was leaning to couch quickly straightened himself and looked at Annika intensely as if trying to warn her. Annika shrugged and looked at Dada jaan.

Shivaay got scared what if she told Dada jaan about the blunder they had created there.

"  What he did ? " asked Dada jaan.

" He did to this to my hair. " she pouted showing him her brown hair.

Shivaay took a sigh of relief and looked here and there to supress his laughter.

" Aww, you are looking beautiful beta. " said Pinky lovingly and Dada jaan too nodded smilingly.

Shivaay looked at Annika and smiled mischievously making her roll her eyes.

After sometime, they got busy in their works.



Annika had got free from talking to her besties. She quickly lied on couch and acted to sleep. Fari's marriage was fixed so she was deciding to go to Delhi to accompany her friends in shopping.

But it was seeming difficult for her because of her husband who will never allow her to stay  there till Fari's marriage. So she decided to talk to Pinky. She will never disappoint her.

She was busy in thoughts when Shivaay entered in the room. He was in his casual suit. Seeing Annika laying on the couch, he moved towards her.

He picked her up in his arms making her open her eyes with jerk. He was heading towards bed.

"  What are you doing !! Put me down. " she exclaimed.

Shivaay laughed realizing that she was acting to be sleeping. He made her lay on bed.

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