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He had came to the engagement ceremony of his business rival Siddarth Malhotra.Seeing his biggest rival, Shivaay Singh Oberoi in his ceremony Siddarth got angry but kept silence because his father has invited him.He was burning in jealousy when all other businessmen were meeting with Shivaay leaving him.The handsome hunk became the centre of attraction of someone else' party.Siddarth could'nt tolerate that.His eyes were burning  in jaelousy seeing Shivaay surrounded by media and all other businessmen.

He after giving his interview moved towards Siddarth smirkingly.Om was also with him.

"Congratulations,Mr.Siddarth Malhotra for your engagement.But,I feel like today is my engagement." taunted Shivaay while embracing Siddarth who smiled forcibly.

Om was laughing inwardly seeing his condition.Meanwhile,Rudra also came there.

"O,let's have a shot.Bhaiya,come on." He dragged both of them.

"Yar,you guys know na.I don't like drinking." said Shivay looking at both of them who shook their head.

"You will always remain boring.Let's go Rudy." Om left with Rudra.

Shivaay looked at Siddarth from distance who was throwing daggers at him.Shivaay's smirk widened more.Naman,Siddarth brother's ,condition was not less than his brother.He just wanted to throw Shivaay out of party.

Shivaay moved towards corner and started observing the surrounding.
Suddenly,his eyes caught her!!He widened his eyes.What is she doing here?He rubbed his eyes to believe really she is there.

"Oh my God,She is Annika." He stood up straight.She was  busy in talk with her gang.

Suddenly,he started liking everything around him.He was getting bore but now he was fresh!

"Annika !"He whispered her name smilingly.

Om who had came there laughed hearing him.

"Come on,bhai.I know you love her.It does'nt mean you will find her everywhere." Om nudged him.Shivaay glared at him.

"Om,use your eyes not tongue." He smacked his head and started moving towards Annika.

Om followed him.He also became shockes finding Annika there.He ran behind Shivaay.

"Wow,how come my sister is here today?" Om said standing behind Annika.

Annika quickly turned around.

"Om !!!" She hugged him excitedly.Shivaay looked at Om narrowing his eyes.

"Excuse me?"Shivaay cleared his throat.Annika realized that he was also there.

"Hii !" Annika said hesitantly.Shivaay looked at her intently.The chatter box chats on phone like anything and now she is acting like she don't even now who is he?Shivay smiled inwardly.It was their second meet.

"Wo,Naman is my batch fellow.So,he invited us too. on his brother's engagement" Annika said smilingly looking at Om.Shivaay who was lost in her came out of his lala land hearing his rival's name from her mouth.He should not have any problem with it but he was getting jealous.He was her fellow.It hit him hard.Annika on realizing his constant gaze on herself lowered her eyes.

"Excuse me ,Mr.Oberoi" One of the businessmen called Shivay.

Shivaay excused himself and left after glancing at Annika.Om also followed Shivaay who gestured him to come behind him.

Meanwhile,Naman came there raising his eye-brow.

"Do you know who are they?" asked Naman staring their retreating figure

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