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Next morning ,

When Annika woke up, the clock was strucking twelve. She sat on the bed lazily and looked around. He was'nt present in the room. She took a sigh of relief. She remembered about ladt night, how he was questioning her, her cries, his words and later she slept in his arms.

"Huhh, Shivaay Singh Oberoi. I did'nt turn your life into a hell, then I'm not Annika Trivedi.  " She shook her head angrily and climbed off bed.

After freshening up, she came out of the restroom and moved towards dressing table when she heard knock on door.

"Come in. " She said in low voice. Gauri came inside.

"Good morning,Bhabhi. How are you ? " She asked moving towards her smilingly.

"I'm good. I think I woke up late. " said Annika guiltly.

"Not at all. Everyone is waking late today because of last night tiredness. Pinky Aunty is arranging breakfast. Bhaiya has gone with Dadaji for some work since morning. They must be returning by now." She explained everything seeing her nervousness.

"Let's go then. " She smiled.

Both came out of the room and moved downstairs.

She had just entered in the lounge, when she saw  Shivaay and Dadaji entering there from entrance. He was   looking damn handsome in white kurta with perfectly gelled hair. She checked him out and before Shivaay can noticed her, she moved towards dinning area. They also came there.

Everybody was present there.

"Good morning. " She greeted everyone who greeted her back.

"Aww, my daughter is looking very pretty. Stay blessed beta. " Pinky goes to her and kissed her forehead.

Annika smiled and seated on the chair in front of Shivaay.

Dada ji passed a small box and envelope to Annika.

"This is gift for my grand daughter." he smiled.

"What's this dada jaan ? " she asked surprized.

"Come on. Open it. " He smiled.

Annika opened the small box and got surprized to see car key in it. She quickly opened the envelope only to get car papers. She looked at Dada ji excitedly.

"Dada jaan. " She exclaimed making all of them laugh. Dada jaan knew that Annika had gifted her car to Aryan last night so he gifted latest model  car to her since she had'nt one.

"But it will be expensive. " She looked at him.

"Not more than my  precious daughter." he carrassed her hair.

"Thanks Dada jaan. I love you. " She said happily.

"Let's start breakfast now. " he smiled.

Shivaay looked at Dada jaan narrowing his eyes. He knows that Dada jaan  loves Annika a lot but he had'nt expected from him to ignore him like this. He was so habitual of his Grandfather speacial attension  that he could'nt hold seeing Dada jaan giving more importance to her over him. He gritted his teeth looking at Annika.

Everybody was busy eating silently but Annika was'nt eating properly. She looked at Shivaay who was eating so peacefully. And she was just playing with omelete. Shivaay was glancing at her time to time but did'nt speak anything. Pinky who was noticing both of them atlast spoke, when Shivaay did'nt asked her to eat properly.

"Annika beta eat properly. You did'nt even eat anything last night. " Pinky scolded her.

Annika nodded.

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