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After  getting freshen up , Annika went downstairs and headed towards kitchen where Pinky was already present.

" Good Morning  , Maa. " she greeted her.

" Good  morning  beta. " Pinky smiled.

She keenly observed her face which was glowing  as if she is blushing.

" What happenend today ? My daughter is looking very beautiful ! " Pinky asked carrassing her hair and both came out of kitchen.

Annika looked at her surprised. Her face glows more.

" Means I don't look beautiful daily ?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

" Haha , you are toh beautiful  but today you are glowing more ! " Pinky said and just then they found Shivaay coming  towards dinning table.

" Where is everyone ? " she quickly changed the topic because Shivaay was looking at her sheepishy who has surely heard Pinky.

" Boys did'nt slept whole night. They were watching match. " informed Pinky.

" Oh yes ! What about match. Which team has won ? " asked Shivaay as soon as he remembered about the match.

" Why ?  Didn't  you watch ? " asked Pinky shocked. Shivaay and he don't leave any football match. Impossible !!

Shivika looked at each other. Annika suppressed her laughter.

" I watched. " Shivaay rubbed the back of his neck  and bit his tongue.

Now what should he tell the reason to his mother !! 😂😂

" You did watch then why are you asking ? " asked Pinky.

" Leave it mom. Lets have breakfast. I'm  starving. " he told dramatically  and made her sit on chair.

Annika smirked looking at him and decided to pull his leg

" Yes , Shivaay. Why are you asking ? Didn't  you watch the match ? " asked Annika interestingly.

Shivay glared at her while sitting on his chair.

"  Which team won ? " Annika laughed as soon as Pinky went to kitchen to look upon cook.

Shivaay smirked and leaned  to her on table.

" Actually , I myself was playing match. Did you forgot Darling ? " he held her hand and rubbed the back of her palm sensously making her betroot red.

"  Oh I think you forgot. No worries  , I will remind you again tonight.  " he winked at her making her jerk away his hand.

" Tharki. " she glared at him but her cheeks were getting more pinky by each passing second.

" haha , what ? I'm  just saying to help you ! " he laughed.

" Shiv.ay sharm kaarin please. " Annika looked here and there to make sure no when was listening her cheapde's talk.

" This is not fair Darling. Being an obedient  husband it is my duty to remind my wifey of the things which she forgets by any chance. " he pulled her leg making her blushed hard.

" By the way , mom was saying right. "  said Shivaay laughingly.

" W..hat ? " she asked as she gazed down.

" You are glowing wifey. " he teased her more.

Her face turned crimson red. She was looking extremely gorgeous sitting in front of him. His heart skipped a beat seeing her blushing face.

" If you want you can glow daily like this. I will also get some benefit . " he winked at her.

Annika looked at him irritated and stomped his foot making him wince.

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