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After getting free from his meeting exactly after half an hour, Shivaay went to restaurant to pick Annika.

But when he reached there, he did'nt find Harry neither Annika. He checked everywhere but could'nt find them. He brought his phone and called Annika but her phone was switched off. He became worried. He immediately dialled Harry' number.

"Hey Harry. Where are you guys ? I'm here in the restaurant. Where is Annika ?" asked  Shivaay worriedly looking around.

" Sorry bro there was an emergency so we had to leave. Bhabhi also left. " he informed.

" Where she left ? " he asked quickly.

"She has to do some shopping. I had insisted to drop her. But she said she was ok. I think she would have reached by now. " said Harry and Shivaay took a sigh of relief.

He came out of the restaurant and drove off to the apartment. He parked the car and moved towards main door. But it was locked. He unlocked the door through spare keys and entered inside.

"Annika. " he called her walking through living room.

She was' nt there. He moved towards bedroom but she was' nt there too. Fear started engulfing upon him. He checked each corner of apartment but could'nt find her.

He brought his phone and dialled her number with thumping heart but it was going unreachable. He rubbed his hand on his face perplexed. Where would he find her ? In this foreign city, where he should go and search her? His heart started  pounding wildly against his chest.

Throwing the phone on the couch, he grabbed car keys from table  and rushed outside after locking the door. He was searching her every where in every road. He would stop the car aside and check every girl passing by.
Dada jaan had strictly warned him to take care of his daughter. Anger also started building within him. It was night and she was now where to be seen.

After about an hour, he stopped the car frustated and leaned back to the seat.

"Where are you Annika ? " he closed his eyes tiringly.

What if something happend to her ? No no,she is fine. He opened his eyes with jerk.

What if I would'nt find her ? His heart sank with mere thought.

"Why are you getting worried now? When she was there in front of you, you never valued her. Then why are you worried for her ? " his heart asked from him angrily.

Yes, yes I'm worried for her because I I -- he stopped in mid.

What you ? his heart asked.

Because I love her dammit !!! She is my addiction. She is my everything  I can't live without her. I can't afford losing her, he shouted punching on the steering wheel angrily and started driving again. Yes, he admitted today. He loves her. Tears escaped his eyes as he drove manicly through empty roads.

"I know I have hurted you Annika. But for once, for once come back to me. I will set everything alright. Please come back. You want me to apologise  from you, to bend in front of you . I will do. I will leave my ego and stubborness but I can't afford losing you. Already, I have made you mine  with much difficulty please don't leave again. " tears were rolling down his eyes like a river. He came out of  the car and wiped his tear.

He looked up on the sky.

"Please come back Annika. Shivaay is nothing without you. I will repent for everything. Just come back to me. I have become addicted to you. I will never hurt you again. I will love you a lot. Please come back. " he cried and again sat inside car.

He was feeling suffocated while driving. One more hour passed driving on the road. He hit his hand on steering angrily. He was getting angry on himself. Why did he let her remain there. He pulled his hair in frustation.

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