Chapter 1

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This book is kinda overrated I'm sorry in advance if you dont end up liking it but please refrain from commenting mean words that could hurt the author.

"I heard she fuck older men""Isnt she working as a stripper?""She bullied her own sister too""She even seduce her boyfriend""What a bitch""Shameless whore"

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"I heard she fuck older men"
"Isnt she working as a stripper?"
"She bullied her own sister too"
"She even seduce her boyfriend"
"What a bitch"
"Shameless whore"

It was nothing new. They were the same things Lee Hana heard whenever she enter her school. Rumors began arousing about her eversince that day. That day her father brought a woman home and another girl around her age.

People believed that she bullied her step sister and that she have clients at home ready to be sucked by her. She dont know who spread them but the only suspect and possible victim is her step sister and she knew that her step sister likes her boyfriend.

But she dont care, for she knew her boyfriend Kim Hongjoong likes only her. He asked her out on their first year in High School and they've been together for more than a year now and she was really happy. As happy as she can be, as long as Kim Hongjoong was by her side.

As if on cue, Hongjoong walks next to her and hug her side giving her a kiss on the head.

"Did you sleep well my bunny?"
It was a nickname Hongjoong gave her. Not because she looks like a bunny because she was like a bunny to him. Love-able and cute. Hana was an introvert but when it comes to Hongjoong, she acts bright and happy and well-going. She tried to be anyone that Hongjoong likes, even if she has to fake it. Because she loves him too much.

"I did Joongie. What about you?"
Hana asked back as Hongjoong nodded saying he did too. Hongjoong met his friends on the way who eyed Hana like a virus and doesnt even bother greeting her.

They pulled Hongjoong away from Hana before Hongjoong could even protest as a boy stayed behind and stood in front of her, distancing atleast half a metre.

"Look Lee Hana! Why dont you just leave our Hyung alone hmm? What does he even sees in your ugly face and personality? Tsk! You're going to ruin his reputation so just stop seducing him or I wont hesitate to beat up a girl"
The boy says carelessly to Hana. But Hana only smiles at him and left him, holding back her tears from all the hurtful words she's been receiving from early in the morning again.

She was hurt alot, but she encourages herself and patted herself mentally. Even after everything that has happened to her 'she was doing well'.

Then she enters her classroom alone since Hongjoong was dragged along by his friends a while ago and as soon as she step inside. Her classmates started throwing rubbish at her. Hongjoong instantly stood up protected at her.

"If you do that again I swear I'm going to beat you all up"
Hongjoong glares at everyone even the girls.

"Raise your standard bro why are you so struck up with a whore?"
A boy asked as Hongjoong sigh at him. He was probably his friend because if not he would already pounce on him for calling his girlfriend with names.

"San stop it! You're going to hurt her with your words"

Hana put a hands on Hongjoong's arm telling him not to continue. She was already hurt. She was hurted everyday but she didnt care as long as she has him on her side.

"Its okay Hongjoong I'm fine"
She gives him her biggest smile as a way of telling him she was fine. She was a good actress and could win an Oscar at this rate.

The scars and pains she had hidden inside, the tears and blood she shed every night, the despises and hates she received from everyone, were nothing compared to the love she has for Hongjoong that keeps her going on.


A/N : 1 week into lockdown and my story project continues

A little bit of angst this time to make all of you sad

Continue reading only if you can take it 😊😇

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