Chapter 41

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"Your honor, 10 years ago in Mundo River, a student named Lee Hana's body was found and announced her father guilty. After gathering all the evidences and witness, I would like to charge Seo Eunhye of being the real killer of Lee Hana. Around 10pm on the 5th of September, Lee Hana and her father were paying respect to her death mother and Seo Eunhye and her friend who were on their way home from partying and drunk driving made them run over Hana and to hide their evidence they threw her in the river. I would like to call an eye witness to confirm this"

"I allow"

"Thank you your honor, Song Mingi please step up"

Mingi went up the isle feeling nervous. For the first time in his life, he felt like he did the right thing and feels all kinds of happiness rush through his veins.

"What did you see on that night?"

"I was on my way home from my night shift in a store and saw drunk drivers running over someone. I was scared when they threw them on the river so I ran away and that was the worst mistake of my life. I dont know who it was and after all this years I finally realized it was her, it was Lee Hana and the person who drove the car that night was Seo Eunhye".

The judge hear everything from both the defending attorney and the lawyer. 10 minutes break was given for discustions and everyone waited nervously. The door to the court open and Semi came with some IV hanging on her arms and Seonghwa help her inside. No matter what her conditions in, she wont miss the day Hana no! The day she will finally get justice for everything happening to her.

San and Hongjoong kindly help her to a seat and they smile softly at her. Semi couldnt help but gets nervous and the sensation feelings in her throat pump her like a machine.

The judge came back making everyone go silent as they stood. He gesture for both the defending attorney and the lawyer to stand up and take out a paper, which will deside the fate of Seo Eunhye and Semi's.

"After looking all through the evidence and eye witness. Seo Eunhye is found guilty with murdering Lee Hana and trying to hide away the evidence. Attempted murder of Im Semi, Ji Dani and Bae Saehee. Kidnapping and manipulation of evidence and breaking traffic rules. It is hearby announced that Seo Eunhye is sentenced to prison for 30 years".

Semi cried and the people around her gathered and rub her hands, arms and back trying to comfort her. Ji Dani was the girl who helped Seo Eunhye in kidnapping Semi and she was to go under a punishment after she healed as well, Eunhye beat her up pretty bad too. And Bae Saehee was the woman she choke but Semi saved her from it. Everything, all the bad thing Seo Eunhye did came out together at last and she finally get the punishment she deserves.

"I cant believe that actually take 10 years. 10 fucking years just to send one person to prison. Thank you San",
Semi curse but cant help the tingling feelings in her heart. She was relieve and to say that she was happy is an understatement, she was more than glad. It was like those moment when you feel like you flew higher than the birds and dance around with the clouds.

They help Semi back to the hospital since she wasnt particularly healed. She breathe calmly and closed her eyes. She wasnt crying anymore because she dont find any reason to do it.

"This calls for celebration"
Yunho beemed being the happy pill he was. Semi could only wished she met him earlier in her life, then her journey wouldnt have been so bad, but she could only hope.

"Lets do it when Semi is discharged"
Yeosang join and they all nod their head pretty much having the same thought.

"Should we keep calling you Semi know Hana?"
San ask out of nowhere triggering Seonghwa a little bit.

"We just sent that bitch for murdering Hana how can you call me by that name now?"

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