Chapter 11

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"Do you guys know why is Seonghwa hyung and San pacing everywhere around the school?"

The boys all shook their head including Eunhye who sits next to Hongjoong who was spaced out as well. It was lunch yet no one even tries to line up for foods.

San and Seonghwa, like they said were walking pass each other not even bothering each other a glance and look around from room to room. It confused their other friends until Hongjoong had to step out.

"Seonghwa! San! What are you guys doing?"
San instantly came up to them and asked them in panick, "Have you guys seen Lee Hana?"

Seonghwa followed San and took a glance at Eunhye who avoids all eye contacts when Seonghwa tried to read something from her.

"Why would you guys search for her?"
It was Wooyoung, one of their friends and Mingi snicker next to him, even despising her name.

They heard gasp and loud shriek from around the people when their phone started beeping indicating they got the same notification. It was a school headboard news, who collect news about everyone studying inside the school.

The group of boys with one girl took out their phone as well and Seonghwa drops them in a minute, his phone breaking its glass.

Mingi read out for everyone who are too lazy to take out their phones.

"Last night around 10:30pm in Gwangmundo, a body was found in the river and it seems like it was a murder. The body is confirmed to be a girl and the first suspect was her father, Lee Hyunsu who is currently the CEO of Hala Group. She was believed to have been pushed into the river after a serious fight and the victim's face was torn off after falling on a hard rock. After witnessing the last clothes she wore and from her father's statement, the body is believed to be...Lee Hana, a student of Mundo High School".

Everyone stopped breathing for a few minutes until San ran out of the school but Seonghwa remains. He glare at everyone, his friends, the pathetic girl and his schoolmates, he scoff at them and laugh histerically.

"Are you all happy now? You fucking monsters?"
"How are you any different? You used to bully her too?"
"But I've stopped and told you guys to do it too haven't I, Song Mingi?"
"Lets not blame each others guys!"
"Not only did she spent her life in hell but she even have to die in the most horrible way?"
"What are you talking about Seonghwa hyung?"

"Why dont you ask that pretty little bitch you all call a friend? Maybe she will be able to help you"
Seonghwa left everyone dumbfounded, not being able to bear the situation anymore.

He too ran out of school and he dont even know where to head to. He just aimlessly walks around the place with a broken heart.

Hana just left him like that. He didnt even have the time to stand up for her and protect her. He was filled with regrets and his guilty tears kept on falling.

The rain was pouring that day much to match the mourning mood. Everyone was left speechless when more articles about Lee Hana came out.

Lee Hana, 17 years old. A student in Mundo High School, according to his father's statement was a victim of bully for a long time. She was usually beatened up at home by her step mother and step sister, starving her for days and was forced to do chores out of her consent. His father had said she was bullied at school too and that she usually came home with lots of bruises.
At the night of the incident, his father claims that he was drunk and that they met near the river to pay respect to his dead wife since it was her death anniversary. He had denied to killing Lee Hana and that he never hurted her himself eventhough he watched many people harrasing her. But since there was no other eye witness and the evidence led to him, Lee Hyunsu is hereby charged for killing his own daughter and will go to prison for 25 years. And anyone involve in the bully matter of Lee Hana is currently under investigation and punishment will be given for all.

Declaration - Kim HongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now