Chapter 18

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"I'm not Hana. My name is Lim Semi and I am the Prosecutor in charge. Are you Officer Kim?"

Hongjoong put away his arms which were trying to reach her and tries to swallow his saliva which ran dry the moment he sees her.

"Yes I am! Wait so are you the one I'll be working with in this case?"

"Unfortunately yes, you can back away if you like since the suspect seems to be your friend"

"NO! I mean I can do this"

"Okay then, meeting in the afternoon. I have to get back to the crime scene if you'll excuse me"

"Wait! I...I'll come with you"

Semi and a very awkward Hongjoong drive back to the scene. Semi could sense that he wanted to say something but pulls himself back. Since she was the one driving, she pull the car on the roadside confusing Hongjoong.

"Do you have something to say?"
Semi raise her eyebrows at him.

"Why do you look so much like someone I know?"
He ask unconciously and mentally hit himself before apologizing.

"Lee Hana?"
Semi ask and raise her eyebrows again which make Hongjoong's eyes wide.

"I think I heard about her. She died 10 yeard ago didnt she? Poor girl although I dont see any resemblance in me"

"You did look different than her since it has been 10 years already but I could definitely see the resemblance"
Hongjoong says again still feeling confuse.

"Lets drop it I dont want to look like a dead person"
Semi says getting goosebump and drive again back to the crime scene and Hongjoong cant help but give a glance at her everytime he turns her way.

"Hey guys! You found any useful evidence?"
Semi ask the two males who were just finishing on collecting evidence.

"Absolutely not! The killer moves like a professional"

"Or it could be a suicide"

"No one will willingly crack their head open on a wall that is the back side of their head too. She was definitely pushed"

"Any CCTV nearby?"

"Yeah the one outside the building. We'll collect the drive after this"

"But one thing Semi"

"Yes Yunho?"

"That officer keeps on looking at you. I think he likes you"

"Oh that? Believe me its far from liking. He said I look like this girl who died 10 years ago"


"I got goosebump"

"I know right Yeosang"

Semi shiver and rub her arms before heading out. Hongjoong followed them out earning a confuse look from Semi's new teammate.

"Why are you following us?"
Yunho annoyingly ask him

"Oh right I forgot to tell you guys. We'll be working on the case with this Officer. His name is Kim Hongjoong by the way"

"Oh okay! Lets get the drive and get lunch, I'm famish"

So they hurriedly did and get to grab some lunch. Hongjoong was eating silently until he was disturb by Semi's phone ringing.

Semi answered her phone

"Ah now? We are near Mundo lake at the restaurant"

"Wait really?"


Then she hung up and sigh loudly.

"What happened?"
Yeosang ask her as she eat her food again.

Semi says quietly and the three males look up seeing a person rushing to their table before taking a seat near Semi.

"Choi San?"

The man who just arrived look at the person who utter his name with shock and stop breathing as well.

"Kim Hongjoong?"

The other three watches in confusion while the two males who used to be friends in High School glare at each other.

Yunho eats quietly while Yeosang did not care. Semi feels the tension building between them but she chose to ignore it.

"Feed me"
San says sweetly to Semi acting as if nothing just happened.

"Why are you always stealing my food?"
Semi scold him as San took the spoon from her and feed himself.

Hongjoong stops eating and stood up

"I'll meet you guys in the afternoon"

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