Chapter 39

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When Semi woke up, her hands were tied from the back and her mouths were taped. She couldnt find out where she is because the room was dimmed light and she could barely see her surroundings.

"She's awake",
Semi hear a girl's voice and she instantly remember them when another one spoke up.
'Are there two?', she thought to herself  and tries to see ahead which she fails at, it was like they were applying something in her eyes that doesnt allow her to see things and not because the room was dark.

"Dear Hana, I thought you were smart enough but turns out you are just a fool like everyone else",
She came closer and trace her face with a knife before making a hole in her taped mouth. Semi didnt need to see to know whose voice it belongs to, Seo Eunhye.

"Where am I?",
Semi hissed and yelp when one of them came to step on her foot. It reminds her of how she used to be bullied back in the days. How Hana used to be harrased, but she's not Hana anymore so theres no way she's going to take everything now. But her condition was overwhelming for her.

Before, she didnt fight back because she didnt want to. But now, she couldnt, when they tied her hands and block her from seeing. She only hope those guys arent too late.

After a couple of hours, they came back and untie her hands. She was shook and confuse but it didnt stop there instead they stand her up beat her like a punching back.

"Doesnt this reminds you of old days?",
The person laugh hysterically like a mad woman until Semi falls back.

"Still the coward you are Eunhye. You couldnt even face me fairly",
Semi chuckle and push herself up. She was trained to be a prosecutor and defend goods and punish the evils, not to fight blind. Infact they didnt even learn how to do self defense when in needed, but she took private lessons on how to do that.

Eunhye pick something which appears to be an iron rod and came towards Semi again.

"You're going too far Eunhye",
the other girl try to stop Eunhye but Semi heard a loud cracking sound followed by a loud thud on the ground.

'It isnt what I think it is, is it?'
Semi tilted her head in alarm and a hint of panic rush towards her stomach. 'Did Eunhye just kill the person?'


Eunhye's cry could be heard out loud in the room and heck even the person walking by would be able to hear it, that is if people even walks by it. But right now, Semi knows that all those self defense trick she used to learn were not important at all when you have an iron rod swung towards your head and you cant even see it.

She close her eyes and instead of a huge pang in her head, she heard a gun shot and the cry of a woman followed by the falling clonking sound of an iron rod.

Someone came closer to her and held her in their laps, she couldnt hear properly and the urge of wanting to sleep was slowing taking her and she drift off to sleep. Before she fell asleep, all Semi could hear was a voice distancing with each of her breathe,

"You're okay! You're going to be fine! Stay with me! Dont you dare leave me again! I love you so much please wake up"

She knew the voice, she wondered how come she is always so good at recognising people's voice but she guess its because she never did anything than hearing their ranting and complaining while she never voice out her pain.

Declaration - Kim HongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now