Chapter 35

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"Why did you want to meet up again? I thought you hate me",
Semi says emotionlessly to the boy sitting in front of her.

"Did you went to meet Wooyoung yesterday?"

"Yes I did, why?"

"Look I dont know what you have against him but please he is more than a friend to me, he is my family..."

"What about Hana?"


"What was she to you? Just a girl toy?"

"How do you know her?"

"Are you really that stupid or do you think me having the exact same face is just a coincidence?"

Hongjoong was speechless, he feels like a huge cloud is building up inside his throat, stopping him from uttering a single word. He was lost and hurt, hearing her name again hurted him.

"Hana d-didnt have a twin",
Hongjoong stammered and shook his head in disbelief. He was sure Hana was a single child that is unless if her perents lied to the authority and registered a fake birth certificate.

"No she didnt",
Semi stood and turns another way and the confuse look on Hongjoong shows more than just a grieve. Semi grip her hands tightly. She have come this close and besides he deserves to know, he deserves to be hurt.

"I am Hana"


The moonlight was shining upon the lonely road of Mundo, insects singing, whistling and celebrating the night weather could be heard. It is true they didnt live in a crowded place and that their country is still developing. The wind blows like they were whispering something to soothe you down and the smells of the night scented orchid blooms around the neighbourhood.

A figure of two souls walk under the big tree, stomping on their heels as they make their way through to whatever their feets brought them. The night was chilly and shiver ran down the woman's spine.

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing Seonghwa?",
the girl ask and tilted her head towards the male.

He give her a warm smile and patted her head like a small child,
"You did great telling him who you are, although its attractive as hell"

The girl laugh and hit his arm and he laugh back,
"I'm serious though. What if he tries to do something and I wont be able to achieve my goal? What if my 10 years of hardwork goes to a drain?"

"Hey! You're thinking too much okay? It'll be fine, everything will be fine. Besides I got your back, I didnt became who I am now just so it could go to waste as well".

"Oh yeah? I doubt becoming politician in less than 2 years is more difficult than studying law for 5 years"

" of us gotta work harder than the other one eh?"

It was a joke. Eversince the incidents 10 years ago, they've been close to the point they're like siblings more than friends. He cared her like no one else did and it wont be a lie if he didnt love her, he would do anything for her and thats out of question.

"Do you still love him though?",
Seonghwa brings it up, it was the question she has been hating and wanting to avoid for as long as possible but to her, no matter how much she's been trying to avoid and wanted them to disappear out of her life, she knew that deep down in her heart it has always been the same, she will never forget the love she's been receiving for more than a year eventhough it changes over time, her last words for him never changes.

'But I want you to know that I will always love you...'

"I have and will always love him no matter what. I've lived for him once, but now I'm going to live for myself"

Declaration - Kim HongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now