Chapter 27

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Yeosang is that type of person who dont normally speaks unless they are extremely important or if he feels like it. He may be quiet but he was always cautious of everything and doubt things easily.

If he feels that something is going on or is wrong, he would look through to it and dig to the deepest to find his answers.

He had always been suspicious of Semi eversince they met on their office when they were told to team up. The boy could see secrets hidden beneath her eyes and he could sense how tense and secretly she move around places.

He wasnt a psychologist or anything, he was just good at reading people. He saw her when she went to the recording room and steal some files. He saw her when she met San or Hongjoong. He saw how she's trying to fake every bit of emotions and it triggers him. He wanted to know all of her secrets.

"I'm not hiding anything. What are you talking about?"
Semi laugh and walk pass Yeosang as she arrange some files and kept them in order before she grab her purse.

"Arent you going to have lunch?"
Semi ask him who was still lost in his thought. He already studied her every move so he quickly catch on how she's trying to change the topic and he dont like that.

He went out without saying a word and Semi just shrug her shoulder cluelessly.

A young girl was near Mundo river, a place where they poured her mother's ash. It was her mother's death anniversary and she was sitting on the edge, crying and pouring out her sentiments.

Her father was also there as he carry an alcohol bottle in his hand. He was just standing beside the girl and utter words which doesnt even have meaning because he was too drunk.

He stumble upon his own feet and fell and failed to get up so the girl went to help her father but he push her off as she fell on her butt.

Minutes later she hear laughters from afar and adjust her eyesight because it was too light. She saw her father lying on the ground and see that a car was coming his way so she ran and tried to get him up.

But her father was already into deep sleep that he cant wake up and the girl panic so she stop and wave in front of the car for them to stop.

"Stop Stop"

She screams but the person inside the car doesnt seems to hear or see her as she felt full force against her body and she flew backwards.

Her body ache and she felt blood dripping from her face and can barely open her eyes.

She saw movement coming towards her and hear a person she knew too well chanting her name.

"Shit its Hana! What do we do?"
"Is she dead?"
"I dont know! Its too disgusting to go and check"
"No way she's alive in that condition! She's dead!"
"Damn it!"
"What do we do? We're going to jail!"
"No we're not!"
"Lets dump her in the river!"
"Hurry up!"

Hana then feels people lifting her up. She was alive and the person she made eye contact with even see that but they didnt say anything. She was then lifted up in the air until her body reaches water as darkness surrounds her until she can no longer feel her heartbeat.

Grunts and cries were heard and Semi jolted awake, she breath heavily and pat the girl who cries silently.

"Dont cry Hana, no one will ever hurt you again. They will pay for what they did to you. All of them"

Declaration - Kim HongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now