Chapter 31

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Yeosang was following the person that stalk Semi a few hours ago. He was only doing it out of curiousity and not because of having a bad thought but he was shocked to see the person led him to Choi San, his friend.

He stood out from his hiding place and watch the other person in confusion.

"Seonghwa? Park Seonghwa?"

"Yes I'm sure its him"

"Could this mean he is aware of this too?"

The other person was about to reply when Yeosang stepped in.

"Aware of what San?"

The two people on the corner jump in shock and see Yeosang approaching them. San sigh in relief when he learn it wasnt someone else. Yeosang seems cold but he was a reliable friend more than anyone and the people who knew him knows that.

"Yeosang, how far have you know about Semi?"

"Huh? The fact that she knew Lee Hana and that she might be her twin"

"They're not twins"

"Then how come they have the same face?"

"Thats because...Semi is Hana"

"Do you realized you make no sense right now San?"

"Jongho bring me the file"

The man named Jongho disappear in the corner and return with a file as San gesture for Yeosang to follow him.

"Hana used to be very popular till the first year of High school, dated one of the most popular guy and had a rich family. But one day she had a new step mother and step sister, Seo Eunhye..."

"Wait...isnt that the suspect Semi took a case two days ago?"

"Yes it is. And so Hana went under a lot of bullying and harrasment. I still dont know what happened on the night she was declared death but the body they claims her's was not her. I remember running back to the hospital and checking her body, how I cried upon her lifeless body and she doesnt even have a face which was destroyed by the rock in the river. I used to love Hana before and the guilt was building me up when I took her hand in mine, I realized that it wasnt Hana, the death body wasnt her".

" did you know?"

"Hana had several bruises and moreover, her wrist was broken by that time. But the death body didnt have any of those, it didnt undergo all of those harrasment like her body was taken care everday, which Hana could not. Thats when I realized Hana is probably alive somewhere, so I searched, gets help from my father and tried everything I could for a good 3 years. I gave up in the end and study bussiness and thats when I saw her again, in that very building after 10 years. I never thought I'd see her again but she was not the same girl I used to know. No matter how hard she tried to hide her identity, no one can hide their DNA"


"I asked Jongho here a favor and he gladly helped, so he visited Hana's father in the prison and steal some blood and I did the same to Semi, her hair without her noticing. Amazingly, it matched and I dont know what to feel. Should I be happy or should I be glad? I dont really know how to feel"

"I always knew something was off about her"

"But I know one thing for sure, she didnt want to be referred as Hana anymore, the girl who was weak and broken. She is Semi now, the girl with power, the girl who is bold and brave. The girl who will not let the world bite her anymore".

"But then San, who is her sister that Semi referred to? The one she used to talk to?"

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