Chapter 2

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Today hasnt been much different. From the morning, Hana has been tossed around like garbage again but she knew better than not to fight back. She knew she was much better not to act like them because she knew she will be in a better position, better place later.

No matter how much she gets bullied, Lee Hana made a promise to herself and her death mother that she will not die in vain. That she will never commit suicide no matter how hard her path may be, she knew there are people who suffers more than her.

"Hey slut! Go and bring me snacks"
"I'd like a cider too thanks"
"Oppa, make her bring some choco bar for me too"

Do I look like a vending machine to them?
Money doesnt grows on trees for Hana as well. In fact she works hard to earn them, having sleepless nights, giving up on her feast. It wasnt easy for especially her since her father was a drunkyard now, with her step sister and step mother not treating her well.

She ignore the people that has been trying to use her as a piggy bank and march rapidly towards her classroom since it was only her safe haven because Hongjoong was there.

"Hey! Didnt you hear us?"
The boy, one of Hongjoong's friend from her class grabbed her wrist. She hissed at the pain, not only the new pain but the old pain she received from home as well. But the man didnt care.

"Please let me go Mingi"
Hana pleaded sadly. She dont want to deal with physical bully right in the morning, not just yet. The man called Mingi only chuckle and tightened his grip and twisted it a little.

"Does it feels good?"
He teased hatefully. Then Hana's step sister appear from the back of Mingi and fake a cry at him before showing some bruise on her wrist.

"She did this to me last night"
Hana's step sister, Seo Eunhye sniffle by Mingi's side as the boy twisted Hana's wrist harder.

Hana released a painful cry but as silent as she could. She did not wants attraction or notify everyone in the school unlike some bitches.

She pleaded again for him to release her. Mingi pulled her closer and cup her chin and glare at her.

"Do you think bullying your own sister is nice? You live a comfortable life for too long Lee Hana"
Mingi spit in her face.

Step-sister. And shouldnt you be asking her that instead? Comfortable life? My life is a hell.

Hana only shut her eyes close. Fighting back the pain and her tears. She dont want to fight back because she knew everyone is against her in the school except for Hongjoong, but she barely sees him nowadays because his friends are always pulling him away.

Mingi release her wrist and left in satisfaction after seeing the big bruise. He smirk at her before leaving with Eunhye swaying his arms on her shoulder.

She quietly enter the class trying to hide her bruised wrist with her sleeves so that Hongjoong wont notice. She dont want him fighting for her which will ends up in her getting more harrased at his back.

Hana sits in her table and when Hongjoong sees her she had already entered, he gets up from his seat earning complain from his friends and made his way towards her.

"Good morning! I didnt realized you already reached school"
He hug her from the back bending down a bit, putting his chin on her head before giving her a kiss on her temple.

He made his way back again and continue chatting with his friends until the teacher enters the class.

Hana's wrist was burning. Mingi did not break her wrist the morning but it was already paining before he did that. It was already bruised purple and red. It was already broken the night before.

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