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You're fazed by the nightmare and your day is almost ruined. You wish you can just barge into Kim Taehyung's office and have his attention.

You don't forget to thank Leena and she smirks, pleased with herself that she was right. Your pride doesn't allow you to reveal everything about the exercise. So you just brief her in on how you felt better meeting him.

"Isn't he so amazi-"

"Yes, he is." You had cut her through. You didn't want her to influence you and corrupt your mind with any more images of him. He had already managed to stay #1 on your mind, without her added help.

"Do you think he's single?" She sighs as she sets her glass down and looks at you from across the table, you refuse to look up at her as you continue to type your assignment away on your laptop. She's not in your good books if she attempts to cheat on her boyfriend by drooling on Mr. Artist.

You shrug nonchalantly and don't pay much attention to her next words. You just want to be alone, but it would be rude to demand that out of someone who has been kind enough to offer you a place to stay at.

You wonder for a moment how San Ji is doing. Does he miss you? Does he remember you?

How long has it been anyway? You wish you could see him again. It's been 11 months and you're suffering still. You can't even begin to imagine what that poor thing is going through. How it must feel to be orphaned while your father is still alive.

You sigh and look at Leena thoughtfully. She is already staring at you, warily. You smile slightly, "What?" You ask.

"You're so strong." She finally breathes and shakes her head.

"Thanks." Definitely don't need that when you're feeling your weakest. "But, I'm not."

"You're holding yourself together so well, Y/n. I could never do that. Nobody I know could do that. I'm so proud of you. I just want you to know-" she exhales heavily, "I just want you to know, that I'm always here for you."

You find your lips widening into a wry smile, "You've helped me stay in a firm single piece, Leena. I don't know what I'd-" suddenly her phone rings. She holds up her hand, "Hey, I'll be back in a second." She gets up to leave with an apologetic look on her face and you shake your head chuckling as you get back to your assignment.

When she's gone into her room to get on call with her boyfriend, you pull out the card.

Kim Taehyung.

You try to put him at the back of your mind, but he refuses to stay there. His features dancing in front of your eyes and rubbing his perfection off in your face.

You give up trying to ignore your needs and get up to pick your mobile.

You dial in the number with shaky hands. You're not even sure what to say, how did you get his number? What if he asks?

But, that's only your anxiety talking. Nobody thinks that far, you need to quit overthinking.

The phone rings for a moment and then a deep voice answers, "Yobuseyo?"

"Umm.. Mr. Kim, it's me, y/n."

"Ahh," his tone has changed, "Yes, y/n. What a pleasant surprise.. Is there anything I can help you with?"

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