⁰¹³ | obsession

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"Irene." I snap out of my reverie. "You all too well know that my job requires for me to cure people of their mental problems."

"You let them come to you, Taehyung. Voluntarily. That's your job. You've been digging this chick out like a crackhead bunny in a drought apocalypse."

I sighed. She was right. But, my ego didn't allow me to give up so easily.

She crawled to her pillow and pulled her duvet over her chest and tucked it under her arms.

"You're pathetic." She said with a trembling voice, "You left me right after you paid that girl a visit. Was I ever even your priority? Your promises have never been kept since after we married. High school romance is the only thing you managed to be good at and that too for a few fleeting weeks."

"I left for that trip to put food on the table, Irene. I regret going on that trip too. You know why?! Because, that's when you became a whore! Warming up the bed behind my back with my research partner!" I spat as I got up from the bed. My breath was heavy and quickened.

She gasped as she sat up in a flash.

"Taehyung!" She exclaimed with angry tears glistening in her eyes. I regretted those words the moment I had said them.

The sad thing was, I couldn't hypnotize my wife. She was not my guinea pig.

I could never have her love me through my art. Never have her crush on Jin forgotten by her on my hypnotic command. It would not be real.

I didn't need fake love. Fake loyalty. I didn't need any of that fake shit.

At least not from my wife.

"You are a horrible person." She cried. I rushed to her side as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She tried to resist and snatch herself away from me, but I tightened my grip. I rocked her in my arms from side to side and she sobbed like a child.

"I'm sorry." I whispered softly. "I'm so so sorry, Irene. I really love you. I'm just heartbroken. I tried my best to keep your needs fulfilled. Until I found out- well, until I realized I wasn't enough for you-"

"Taehyung. You.. you've got everything wrong." She put her arm between us and pushed me lightly, "You will regret your words for the rest of your life."

"What?" I asked blankly.

"Tae.. I never thought you were capable of doubting me. I would only contact Jin to ask about you. Didn't you ever wonder why I left my mails open? Locations open? Why I never hid my phone? I let you read everything. For this? For you to still doubt me and my love? Jin helped me find out about Y/n and her case. He helped me unravel the part of the puzzle you were looking for and that's where I had given you the leads-"

Realization dawned on me. She was.. right. She was right.

Oh, lord.

"You used to sneak out-"

"That was only once! It was not even to meet Jin! It was to meet y/n!" She replied shrilly and I winced.

"Why her?" I finally asked

"To give her financial aid."

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