⁰⁴⁹ | collateral damage

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⚠️ Tearjerker alert. Grab your tissues. I cried while writing this lmao.⚠️

Your heart drops into your stomach at the mention of your father.

"My-my fat-"

"Yeah, he's alive. He's trying to live." Jin nods. "You can catch up with him later."

"Where the f**k WAS HE ALL THIS TIME!?" Your anger is rising and you can feel a bitter taste climb up the back of your throat. You've been suffering alone and he just fled to God-knows-where to come back and act like a f**king hero?!

"All this time I was sufferi-"


You turn and you stroke Sanji's hair. "Noona's here, Sanji. Let's go."

"I must kill myself at midnight. What's the time Noona?"

"No, you must not!"

You pick him up in your arms and turn to Jin, "We're not done discussing this. You could have bloody shitty f**king told me-"

"That poor child doesn't have to know all the silly baby-cuss words in your vocabulary." Jin rolls his eyes as he walks out of the back office. You give SanJi a piggyback ride as you rush to the Samsung store.

Jungkook sits alone on the couch in front of the huge TV. The entire department is eerily dark and silent.

How are these people planning to kill themselves?

You rush to Jungkook's side. He's trembling just like SanJi and aunt Ara were.

"Jungkook?" He doesn't respond and you turn to Jin and Taehyung.

"It's 11:10. We have 50 minutes left to find the rest. The period will be eaten up by the time we take to ride to all the locations. So get your asses working."

You don't know why you're feeling bossy, but the way they are silently obeying you makes you confident enough to resume doing it.

"Jungkook?" You pat his arm. "How do we know what's happening?" you turn to them in panic.

"At least be relieved that your guesses were right." Taehyung says exasperatedly as he heaves Jungkook off the couch and pulls him up by his underarms with great difficulty.

He huffs and turns to Jin.

"A little help here would be great. This guy weighs more than my ego." Jin laughs and rushes to help Taehyung.

They seem oddly cheerful all of a sudden.

"Next stop is the Seoul University Park." You tell them as you hurry to the car.

The pedestrians turn to see the 5 of you rush out in such a hurry, but you don't care as Taehyung loads Jungkook in the backseat with you.

You let the trembling Jungkook rest his head on your shoulder as you turn to Jin.

"There were other juniors at the facility right? Get them all! I'll offer my stupid f**king blood. First take me to the research center."

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