⁰⁶⁴ | all the right places

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"Where did you get it?" I asked pointing at the case of the anti-saraphine drug.

I sat at the dinner table while Suga placed the plate in front of me.

"That's so Mafia of you." I laughed as he threw the kitchen towel over his shoulder and huffed at me.

"If you keep doing that, I'm leaving." He said placing his hands on his waist.

I sniggered and hid my face quickly behind my hands before he'd roll and smack the towel at my head. The moment he turned, I pounced on the opportunity and swatted the spatula at his vulnerable butt. He tossed his jacket onto the couch, angrily, making me snicker uncontrollably at his silent tantrum.

This was so much fun. I felt so happy to be alive.

I love Suga. "So where did you get it?" I asked panting as Suga aimed another hit at me that I thankfully dodged with a giggle.

"It isn't sold at the grocery, Y/n." Jin laughed as he watched us wrestle each other using bare minimum weapons.

"I'm not cleaning the mess." I turned and eyed his jacket. He laughed mockingly and sat down again in front of me. But my attention was diverted now to Jin as Suga put on his serious face again.

"Remember how Taehyung dropped the clue to the field?"

I shook my head. They hadn't told me the details of that night at all.

"I never told you.. that's right."

Suga ate silently, so I turned my attention to Jin. "Go on?"

"Taehyung knew they were monitoring him. So he called up Kai who had fled the scene. His location at the KRW was tracked last minute. He used the opportunity to plant the anti-saraphine drug at the other field when everybody would be distracted." Jin chewed on his food, so I turned to Suga again.

"So Taehyung intentionally got kidnapped and gave the fake research papers to Byung Soo. Since, Kai wasn't there to confirm if it was real, Byung Soo didn't have much choice but to accept it. When Taehyung left the note to go to the other field, it was where the Psycure Research Centre's alternate lab was. Jhope and Namjoon along with Xiumin and Minho managed to get the puzzle together and found it while Byung Soo was.. busy with you." Suga added.

"There were so many of you?" My eyes widened with awe.

I felt so loved. If one person left my life, ten others came to love me. I was overwhelmed.

"We knew Byung Soo is a conniving piece of sh*t." Suga laughed. "Taehyung made sure we would track him and come. He almost predicted our actions and strategized everything according to that so we would not lose any of our men."

I was dumb and confused. In short, Taehyung had double crossed everybody. That's all I needed to understand.

My guilt attacked me and I had to pinch my lips together into a thin line as I nodded. I don't know why, I had mixed feelings for Taehyung.

"So.. this will get everybody back?" I jutted my thumb in the case's direction.

Jin exchanged a look with Suga and I looked between them.

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