⁰³¹ | on the move

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You lean against the counter for support. You're feeling light-headed.

"Who are you?! What more do you want from me?" You demand, trying to steady your voice. A low laughter erupts from the mouth of the blackmailer.

"Didn't I tell you? Your crime partner."

With that, he disconnects the call.

"I think we need to track this call." You look at Jhope, you bite your lips to stop them from trembling.

You can't handle so much. You're so tired. But, you can't give up. You can't fall weak. Whoever is challenging you has to be dealt with and you will make sure of it.

You don't even know why you're telling him that, but your phone rings again.

You scowl heavily as you look at the caller ID. On checking the contact name, you relax.

"Hello?" You for the first time in months feel happy to speak to him.

"Y/n! Are you safe?!" Jungkook pants heavily.

"Yes, I am. Are you? What happened?"

"I received this envelope.."


You're cramping so bad, you feel awkward to admit it to Jhope. You just tell him you're not feeling well with the threats and stress and he offers to drop you home. Jungkook asked to meet you at the rooftop terrace. But, on Jhope's advise you decide to change your rendezvous.

It's decided that since you've been followed all day, at least till you feel better, you shake off the shadowers. Namjoon suggests you to stay at his apartment, but you really don't need any more favours.

Jhope informs Namjoon that he will drop you wherever it is necessary and Namjoon calms Leena down. You inform Taehyung that you won't be able to get in touch because you're sick. He sounded worried and asks if he should drop by, but you tell him you'll see him yourself when you feel better. He doesn't press.

You respect him for that. He's a gentleman. If you put all the cold attitude, the stolen kisses, the stupid contract and the weird obsession with research, aside.

Okay.. you really don't know anymore.

You turn to see that San Ji has fallen asleep and there are dark circles under his eyes. He barely takes sleep and his eyes are sinking into his skull. Jhope drives in silence.

You feel so grateful and so ashamed. Your boss driving you home is too much for you. "Why did you offer to drop me? I could take the train." You have to commute everyday anyway.

He laughs and looks at you as he turns his eyes back on the road, "Before Namjoon receives death threat by his girlfriend, I'll receive death threats from him."

You roll your eyes, "They aren't that-"

"You have no idea. You're lucky, though." He adds as he rolls his eyes back at you and then takes a turn. The roads are getting dark and the highway you take is silent and eerie.

You feel uncomfortable. Jhope is not one of those people you can be comfortably silent with.

"About Yoongi.." you begin and Jhope looks at you questioningly. "What kind of mafia is he a part of? Why mention that to me?" You ask.

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