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"You said you were left stood up on a date!" You complain. You had felt so awful for him and here he was enjoying the fruits of somebody else's labour.

You know how much Park Jimin guy had to toil over to get you on a date.

You're not an easy target. And Dr. Kim got you good.

He laughs and holds his hands up defensively, "Well, in an alternate dimension, yes-"

You massage your temples trying not to be mad at your hypnotherapist.

You almost believed you were left stood up on a date. You almost believed he hunted down for you to take you on one. You almost believed he was your blind date after all and only turns out.. YOU'VE JUST GOT THE MENTAL DEDUCTION CAPACITY OF A SEWER RAT.

You can't even put one and one together? Tch. You're furious with yourself.

You realise neither of you placed any order and you look up.

"Well, what's done is done. What would you like to have?" You ask.

He arches a perfect eyebrow as he crosses his arms over his chest. He's oddly relaxed. Considering, this is only the third time you're meeting him, he seems way too comfortable. You're unnerved.

"You." He says.


With a hitched breath you blink at him.
Surely, you haven't heard him right.

"Excuse me?"

"Excused you." He smiles and you just stare at him for a moment.

Clear your throat Y/n, that's what Y/ns always do in wattpad stories to ride out the tension.

"I thought I got stood up on a date." You admit finally.

He nods, "I could see that. Seems like you were wrong though. Have you got somewhere to go?"

"Ironically, I don't know either." You're sheepishly grinning. Why would you want to give up this perfect opportunity to hang out with the deep voiced angel in front of you? You shake your head.

"I don't think so. I think I'm done for today." You mutter.

"You must be hungry, let me get something for you to eat." He gets up and straightens his overcoat from the front.

You scoff mentally.

Took you quite some time to notice.

You consider asking him not to bother but then you lurve free food. So you decide to give in to your temptations.

"What would you like to eat?" He asks.

"Bulgogi BBQ." You instantly answer in a heartbeat. You've been craving that all since days.
"And banana Nutella pancakes, thanks!"
He nods and leaves and you're not even ashamed. You've yet to pay him for his therapy sessions. But, your shame died when you had allowed him to join you for breakfast.

Dr. Kim, you're so nice.

You're sighing blissfully as your eyes roam the interior of the café when your gaze freezes on a pair of eyes glaring up at you like two fiery balls of fire from across the glass window. Your smile disappears and you straighten up.

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