⁰⁴⁰ | persona

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⚠️Disclaimer : Content warning!
What happens ahead may be a bit triggering to some readers. If you have a terrible or traumatising history, I advice you not to read. However, I also at the same time deeply respect members of the kpop group mentioned in my book and I in no way would want to hurt anybody's sentiments. This is purely a work of fiction (and good research of course), but I hold high regards for everyone and my heart goes out to anyone who has been abused or hurt in their past, this book is meant not only for entertainment, but also to show that the most normal looking people are broken too. So please be assured that I don't glorify rape, murder, drug abuse or any other illegal or immoral act. I condemn these acts and I totally stand with everyone else who does the same. Thank you!⚠️

Edit; after writing this book I read a lot of wattpad fanfictions for the first time myself and learnt that nobody actually gives a damn lmao💀

also guys this is my first book ever like...if it seems a little... just spare me okie :'D thank you♡


We were nervous like we had never been before. It was crazy.

Out of all our cases, the patients with multiple personality disorders and any other personality disorder were the ones that kept us on our toes. They made us hungry to know more.

There was just something intriguing about them.

We got into our van and Dr. Choi locked the test tube in a small case.

"We are going to test if it works on that patient." He told us as he drove.

"You haven't used it on anybody aside from your wife?" Kai asked.

Dr. Choi was silent and avoided our gaze in the rear view mirror as he looked straight ahead at the road. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and after a long time, he finally answered his question.


I don't know who must have sensed it, but I was very good at telling when somebody would lie to me. It was just maybe my sixth sense always working way too good.

So I could tell.

And I did.

There was a reason why he didn't make use of that drug ever again.

He also kept the research papers away from us and never revealed where they were. The only thing he thought was safe with us was the phantom pen.

And he classified us as silver blacks.

Because, we had officiously been declared qualified for practicing hypnotherapy on our patients.

As we reached the Gangnam University, he hopped out of the van and Chanyeol handed him his case.

"Make sure you lock everything securely when you get out." Dr. Choi nodded at us and left.

Dr. Jin turned to us and cleared his throat, "Dr. Choi is in a lot of stress. Give him a break, Kai."

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