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A week went by and with exams ending, I had time on my hands to sit and get depressed alone in my room.

I was rolling around in bed trying to get social, but my heart wasn't in it.

I couldn't believe they were telling me to not fall for Kim Taehyung. Did they think I was that weak?

I scrolled through Twitter and my eyes fell on the #Trending panel.


I had to take deep breaths as I scrolled down.


It would be in two days. If Jimin didn't wake up.. I didn't know if I could live with myself.

I said a silent prayer as I scrolled lower.

Suddenly, a message in the notification window caught my attention.

Private Number
Beautiful family you have there.

My heart jumped in my throat as I tried hitting the call button.

Whoever it was was underestimating their ability to throw me down the cliff of paranoia.

There would just be a beep and the call would get disconnected. I couldn't connect and I knew I had no chance trying to catch this creep.

There were anyway just two options to choose from.

Either it was Kai, or it was Byung Soo.

Kai was done irritating me so far, his game probably was on halt, right?

So this must be Byung Soo, right?

Which family?


I decided to see Jin.

As I pushed the door open, he was splayed across his bed, peacefully asleep.

A giant book on Medical Myths lay on his chest and he was gently snoring.

I don't know what came over me, but I crept to his side and knelt down by his bed to observe his beautiful face. His features were all so on point.

Worries all forgotten, I found myself smiling at the little pout of his lips as it trembled open and he took a shaky breath.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I almost toppled over and Jin sat up, he first looked at an embarrassed me lying on the ground like a potato fallen out of a sack and then to the source of the voice.

Suga stood at the door with his hand on the knob, a bucket of fries in his hand and his mouth agape.

"I-I was reading medical my-myth." I stammered as I snatched the book out of Jin's hands.

He scratched the back of his neck and with scarlet tinted cheeks and ears looked between us, perplexed.

"No, you were not. You were watching Jin sleep." Suga laughed as he shoved a few fries into his mouth and smirked, "Nice."

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