⁰³⁸ | talk of the town

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The three of you stare at Jungkook. The gaze intensifying as he simply taps his index finger on the couch from between his spread apart legs and smiles a little differently.

Jimin lies down on the extended part of the couch, his torso resting against the back as he exhales loudly.

"How do you know I had suffered from memory loss?" You finally ask, you're done gawking and Jhope snaps his head at you as he slides up the couch and sits next to Jungkook across from you.

"Memory loss? You suffer from-"

You shake your head quickly. "No, I did. In the past-"

Almost lost my job there haha

"I was in the same ward as you the night of the incident. You gave no statement. Why do you think the case was not opened? Your parent's disappearance was peculiar, but they didn't want to waste time in trying to dig out a story that needed so much racking of brains."

The police is so disgusting.

"So what exactly is happening here?" Jimin finally asks, unable to catch up and Jhope nods.

"It's simple. Someone must have had some conflicts with Dad. They must have gotten them- what happened to their bodies?" You scratch your head.

"I never slept for the next few nights at least for a month, wondering the same. The incident haunted me so much, your house full of laughter used to get my day started. Suddenly, the burnt up house and the eerie silence left our neighborhood so silent and creepy, I just couldn't stand it and moved out."

There's a silence after Jungkook's tiny confession.

It's true you had a memory loss, but you had never imagined it would be about more things than just the hospital ward.

You did feel like something was missing all this time.

"So.." Jhope begins, "If we don't find this person within 6 days, he's going to keep sending envelops with new victims. And each time the envelops are delivered, the messenger will have to kill themselves. So, basically.. it's not just your brother and this young man here," He points at Jungkook, "at danger, but every deliverer of the mails. This is the ugliest game I have ever heard of."

You nod slowly as you refuse to taste anything from the plates. You're feeling nauseated and sick to the core. Your appetite is dead. But, despite everything the three men haven't stopped hogging.

"Wait- there's a third death! The reception girl! You received A THIRD LETTER!!?" Jhope finally has found his way to the page all the rest of three of you are on.

"Namjoon." You say and your face falls. You cannot stand anything happening to that dumbhead. He's the best dumbhead you've ever known.

Jungkook sighs. "I can't believe I made it to that list. I'm proud of myself for some strange reason." He winks at Jimin, but Jimin is not alone when he shoots Jungkook a daggery look.

"You think this is funn-"

"Do you have any suspects?" Jimin interrupts you as he takes a pancake and stuffs it into his mouth. You watch Nutella drip from the corner of his lips and feel sinful for being distracted.

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