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So I have like 25 readers that I know and I don't know how I have close to 2k reads.🥴I'm doing math, but I suck at math, but I can tell 25×60 is not 2k 😤 I don't know who's ghost reading but I love you!🥺thank you! I feel acknowledged.


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I was taken by surprise when the buzzer went off and Taehyung drew away from me.

He took the Golden Black and just suddenly expanded the distance between us.

"Who sent you?" He asked and I gulped.

Oh, my God.

This couldn't be happening.

"I'm an old client of yours." I told him.

"No, how did you have my pen?" He demanded softly.

He had called for the security and I could hear the footsteps drawing closer outside.

I straightened up and looked at him with wistful eyes, "You gave it to me. You have self-hypnotized yourself to forget me."

"And with good reason. I would never do that if you were good for me."

That hurt like hell.

I got up and grabbed my purse.

"Taehyung, listen to-"

"Leave me alone. I told Hwisan to not send anybody by your name inside."
He rubbed his temples as he sat down.

I pursed my lips as I walked closer to him.

"Taehyung, we need you."

"I don't think so. I don't know. Leave me alone. You embezzled my pen too. You are a thief!"

I sucked in a sharp breath, "You BLOODY gave it to me!" I exclaimed in exasperation.

The door bursted open and the receptionist - Hwisan - stood there with two guards.

"Hwisan-sshi." I turned to her, "Don't-Don't believe him." I said as the guards came forward and grabbed my hands. I was embarrassingly almost heaved off the ground and my feet dangled in the air.

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