⁰³⁶ | on the hunt

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You wake up suddenly and hear the slight snoring of Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook's leg is resting on Jimin's waist and Jimin's hand is over Jungkook's chest.

You totally gag as you see them sleep together like as if this is gay orgy. Your throat is pricking like a thorn, the urge to get yourself some cool water getting urgent.

As you reach the VVIP room where your bag is, you remember you didn't open the mail yet.
You have 6 days of time before whoever the hell it is takes action.

Your heart sinking with each step, you're afraid that another loved one might be in harm.

You open the cabinet and pull out your clothes, the envelope falls at your feet and you bend down to pick it up.

The picture makes your heart drown in dread.


Third person is Leena.

Your phone rings and you pull it out of your pajama.

It's 5:12 AM in the morning.

"Why did it take you so long to open the third one, Y/N?"

Your eyes go wide and you quickly look around. The curtains are pulled at the window but you feel very insecure. The windows. You're afraid to even go near them. You run your eyes cautiously through the dark room.

Who is this person? And how are they watching you? How the heck can they know?

You're so afraid that your lips are trembling. You're shaking with fear.

"Wh-who are you? What do you want?"

"I just want to play this game."

"Why? What did I do to you that you're destroying my peace of mind so much?"

"I'm bored. Play the game with me."

"Tell me your name. I'll come find you."

"Ahh, Y/N. You're bad at games, I remember." He hums and you hear a faint clicking on the other side of the line.

"How about this. You look for a person named V.. He will guide you to me."


"Because, we want to know who else is gonna come in the next envelope."

"Who's V?"

"Good luck, Y/N."

"Please, please.. who's V?" Your father and Dr. Jin mentioned him, you know him. You just don't know his face. His identity.

"Tell me where to find him?"

"Where to find him? He's living right under your nose, Y/N."

With that, the call is disconnected. You realize your entire body is vibrating with terror.

Jin. Dr. Jin.

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