⁰³³ | sauna

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"Shibal." He breathes as he glances at you and freezes.

"I- uh- of course! Y/n, I'll be- I'll be right back. Please sit down somewhere. Anywhere. Sit down. I'll get you. I'll-" he turns and sprints towards the chemist's direction.

You see Jungkook standing in wait for you at the gate and you whistle.

He peers outside and catches sight of you.

"Y/N! I was so worried! What the heck are you doing here?! You could at least stay in the canteen. God, you'll always be stupid."

You stay silent. You have nothing to say to any of that.

"Well? I'm done bathing. Let's go get steamed." He raises his eyebrow.


"Are you still doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Trying to play this 'who-can-act-up-more-than-the-other' game?"

"I'm not, I just have some small business."

That's exactly why you studied marketing.

To take care of this business. You can't even communicate about your problems properly, and you will become an entrepreneur.

You scoff at yourself in your mind.

Your biggest critique is you, anyway.

"It can wait. Do it later." He grabs your hand and just then you see Jimin crossing the road carrying a bundle of stuff.

You roll your eyes.

Ah, idiot number 2 incoming

"No, it can't. So let go." You pull your hand away. "I'll be right there. You go ahead and take the steam of your life, alright?"

"Y/N. I don't really understand you. What's happened to you? Why are you being so stubborn?"

Okay, now your rage is climbing up.

You know you're gonna explode. You can't keep this up.

"Jungkook, I'm menstruating. Ask me more questions and I'll kill you. I swear. I can't be having so much stress right now. Otherwise, I'll make you bleed through your banana. Got it?"

"?" He just stares at you, the same nervousness as Jimin splayed across his features.

"Y/n!" Jimin comes excitedly. Pushing the huge handful of packed bundle in your hands.

"I didn't know umm.. I didn't know- er- I just bought all that I saw." He says covering his face.

You roll your eyes and groan. This is gonna last at least a year. You feel warm in your heart, but right now you're burning with fury.

"Are all men like this?" You ask to no one in particular. Jungkook throws Jimin a reproachful demeaning look from head to toe.

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