⁰⁰³ | moth ⚠

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Content warning: the following content may be disturbing to some audience. Reader discretion is advised. Read at your own risk. ⚠️

You make your way home not knowing how to feel about this experience.

You're happy, but at the same time you're not sure what to feel. You're happy and you definitely want to thank Leena. But, you're also weirded out by the fact that Taehyung didn't charge a penny and didn't ask you to come again either. He just let you finish your water, because apparently you looked too thirsty, and then he let you skip along back home.

Was your anxiety cured by this experience? Can't say for now. Did it affect how you felt about guys? Absolutely. Are you going to visit him again? Never in a million years because you're sure he knows you almost warmed up a bed with him, in your mind.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

You're a dirty woman. And now you don't know why you can't stop thinking about Kim Taehyung. His long delicate fingers locked in your hair, €¥°$÷¥×¥×$¶¶$}\¥~{{¥=$=$ that leaves you totally stripped of every worry in the world and a new hunger for your artist.
Now, that you know it, *hypnotist.

So, that's his art.

He hypnotizes people. Must be fun.

You wish you had it. What would you use it for though?

You can't help but notice how you're practically skipping back home. You haven't smiled absently to yourself in ages and you keep repeating the way his eyes regarded you every once in a while, in your mind.

It made you feel some typa way ngl

Your smile doesn't fade even as you watch your ex-boyfriend cycle his way home. His earphones plugged in and his eyes straight ahead.

And you don't feel that sad empty feeling that forces you usually every evening at this time to look at him make his way home from his part time job and let out a sigh of how sad you are that you can't have Jeon Jungkook back.

Because, your mind right now is a puddle of Kim Taehyung droplets.

You throw yourself on your bed and exhale heavily. Your shoulders feel light and you feel very happy. You're not sure why.

Is it because in months for the first time a man looked at you? More than for a few naturally exchanged accidental glances? Because, the way Kim Taehyung smiled at you made your anxiety just fly out of the roof along with your wig and you don't give a damn?

It takes a moment for you to realize that you're hungry and the butterflies had drowned the feeling of growling complaints of your tummy.

You look at the business card you stole from the desk before leaving.

Doctor Kim Taehyung. Hmm.

You fix yourself a good dinner, at least good enough for you. You don't wait for your roommate to get home as you settle in bed and make yourself into a blanket falafel.

You change your mind. You really do want to see him all over again.

Like a moth is drawn to a flame.

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