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Your phone buzzes as you sit in the subway, waiting desperately to be home and strip off your inner garments and just relax in your bed.

Park Jimin
Hey, beautiful woman.🥺
When can I expect you to go out on a second date with me?

You retch.

You hate it when someone is being so nice to you.

The whole reason why you fell for Jungkook was because he was so emotionally detached. Barely giving you a look and treating you like you were just another brick in the wall.

Kang Y/N
Never if you call me beautiful again.

Park Jimin
Watch me prove you wrong.😍

Kang Y/N
Honestly. Stop.

You sigh and you flip your phone over as you try to create a pattern of keywords from your business notes.

Tomorrow would be your first exam. You already feel your stomach dropping each time, the funny tingling sensation bubbling in your stomach each damn time you're nervous. As if you're falling face forward into the earth.

Park Jimin
Prepare to be amazed~🤪

Kang Y/N
The last thing I want is for you to disturb me in my exam season. I have to look after my brother too.

That tingling sensation becomes more pronounced as you realize you're gonna see your brother today. Aunt Ara already dropped a message that she will leave San Ji in Leena's hands.

Park Jimin
Brother? A cute miniature you!? Hard to pass the opportunity to meet another amazing human being!🥴

Ps: you're such a dry texter..

You take a deep breath when your phone buzzes again.

Park Jimin

I love it 🙊

Kang Y/N
You. Are. Not. Meeting. My. Brother.

Ps : nice try at the reverse psychology, I'll still be a dry texter

Park Jimin
Omo what a treat 🙈
You also owe me an answer.🙃

You frown. What answer?

Kang Y/N
No, you're not meeting my brother and that's my final answer.

Park Jimin
Kang Y/N..
Not that answer, my girl

You read the message and are about to type back an explanation of how you're still stumped when the ding declares the arrival of your stop.

You get off and are walking home, you realize that it's gotten pretty dark. Winter was approaching and that meant the dusk would be falling ahead of its time with the sunsets.

You sigh feeling a chill run down your spine and feel absolutely uncomfortable with the sudden absence of the noonlight in the streets.

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