⁰²⁷ | golden skies

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You enter your apartment in a daze. Unable to tell whether you're in a dream or have been walking around in reality.

Letting your hypnotherapist kiss you, even.

Jisoo is fast asleep on the couch in a seating position at San Ji's feet. He's asleep too and you feel like all your stress has been vaporised at the sight of his calm, peaceful face. The way his soft fluffy hair falls on his face and covers his forehead has gotten you so emotional that you go kneel by his side and gently stroke his hair.

Jisoo's eyes slowly open as she inhales deeply and sits up. "I'm so sorry, I fell asleep. He fell asleep so I didn't know what to do." You realize the television is still on and some K-drama was going on.

Nice. So this lady be watching K-drama at full liberty.

You shake your head and smile at her. "Thank you for coming at such short notice. I'm really pleased with your service and I'll make sure to give good reviews." You say with a grateful head tilt. She smiles back and nods as she gets up from the couch and grabs her purse and bucket hat.

You're still thinking of how insanely beautiful she is.

Why is everyone around you so pretty?

You give her the payment and she leaves without a word.
You like how she's more action and less words. Just the kind of company you always need. You don't need a chattering person, because you like your silence. You like to have room for your thoughts and silence for them to wander about in.

San Ji remains asleep, so you decide to put in some revision as you grab your text book and rest on the chaise lounge.

Your heart had been pounding ever since you met fluffy-haired pretty-faced Dr. Kim Taehyung this afternoon.

As you're reading and are unable to focus on even a single word, your mind snaps to your boss's email.


You run to your laptop to see if you really did type a daring message back.

Jung Hoseok 📩
Well about that response. That's definitely something to discuss in person.

Well, what's done is done.

Whenever you meet Yoongi, he always has the weirdest questions to ask you. Of course, most of the time he's dozing off or on his phone, barely listening to a word of your training.

He seems to hate the world and you don't even know what's his problem. So you just let him be. You've learnt to do your job and leave. But, what if your job requires you to to do somebody else's job too? That's what bothers you. You can't enjoy a blissful moment of working in solitude.

Jhope has been kind to you and with his occasional sweet smiles whenever he's hustling in and out of his posh cabin, he won't turn up at the office for 5 days of week. So you stop giving a damn about what happens.

You just don't want to make money where you don't put enough hard work. You don't want to make money for nothing. And Jhope knows that, so he trusts you with whatever tasks he gives you.

The problem is Suzy. She's always putting you in trouble. As a team leader, she should be helping you grow, but you're not sure why she's constantly out with her fangs to bite you.

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