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a r m a n i


Reign and Kaydence stopped by Cameron and Jordan's crib to drop off some more weed. They ended up staying longer than expected after Kaydence smoked three blunts with us and Reign wanted to play a game of Super Bros. on Cameron's nintendo with Adrian. She was like a little big kid, it was so adorable.

Kaydence and I have also become well acquainted. He wasn't my friend but he wasn't my enemy either. He was just a real nigga and I didn't mind his presence. I eventually admitted to myself that I developed a small crush on Reign, but I wasn't gonna let her or Kaydence know that. The nigga seemed secure and confident in his relationship though. He never had a problem with Reign being around us so I guess that's good, shows that he trusts us. I didn't want her to stop coming around anyways.

"Yo, I wanna do something fun this weekend." Adrian paused the game and looked at everyone.

"And what is that Scooby-Doo?" Kaydence asked and blew the ash off the end of the blunt.

Everyone laughed except Adrian. I noticed he was about to say something slick but stopped himself once he realized who he was talking to.

"Anyways like I was saying, I wanna do something fun this weekend. Y'all down?"

Jordan shrugged. "Depends what it is."

Adrian sat there and thought about it for a moment while we all stared at him anticipating his answer.

"Let's go to Six Flags!"

Nobody said anything, we all just looked at each other then back at him as he widely grinned at us.

"Aye, whatever. I'm down." Cameron broke the silence. "Ain't got shit else to do anyway." He shrugged.

"Yea that doesn't sound like such a bad idea. I've never been there before so I'll come." Reign added. Kaydence snickered and shook his head. "I ain't going to no Six Flags. Y'all have fun though."

Reign rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine. I'll just ask Chin and Monroe to come."

"Who's Chin?" Adrian asked.

"Shania." Kaydence and Reign responded in unison.

I internally cringed at the sound of Shania's name. I really didn't wanna spend a whole day at an amusement park with her. I haven't told anyone about what happened and I didn't plan on it either, so it's not like I could stop her from coming. I could just stay home and relax on my day off and avoid the whole encounter before it even starts, but it's not often we get to do things like this. I knew my brother suggested this excursion because he wanted me to come around more and I wasn't gonna let him down.

"Aight, I guess I'll come too."

"Same." Jordan said.

"Great!" Adrian unpaused the game and him and Reign continued playing. Kaydence's pager went off and he groaned and kissed his teeth at it. "Yo I gotta go do some shit with Tre, you coming?" He asked Reign and she shook her head 'no' as her eyes stayed glued to the game on the television.

"Aight, I'll come get you later." He got up from the couch and bent down to kiss her forehead. "Love you, mamas."

"Love you too." Reign replied. "Lata, niggas!" He said to us and exited the house.

"How long you been with Killah, Reign?" Jordan asked. Reign softly smiled to herself and paused the game to look at Jordan.

"Since we were 17. But we met in our 9th grade math class, he was the class clown. That man was the reason everyone even went to class, he always had us laughing. Including our teacher." She chuckled while reminiscing on her first memory of him.

"So how long y'all been selling drugs?" Cameron blurted out and we all turned to him with a 'nigga, what the fuck?' expression.

Reign giggled and raised an eyebrow. "Why? You the feds?" She questioned him. Cameron kissed his teeth. "You tellin' us ya love story so I was just curious." He shrugged.

"Well K started when he was 15 and I joined when I was 18."

Cameron gave her a slow head nod with his lips tucked in his mouth.
"So you ever kill anybody?" He blurted out another stupid ass question.

I immediately picked up my bottle of water from the living room table and threw it at his head.
"Agh man!"

"Nigga, stop askin' her dumb shit." I spat at him.

Reign snickered and sat up in the couch. "It's cool, Armani." She said and looked back at Cameron. "But to answer your question, yes I have."

I gave her a look and furrowed my eyebrows. "Really? And you not in jail?" I instantly regretted asking her that question after she glared at me like she just seen a ghost.

"Oh I didn't mean it like that, Reign. I was just-"

"I'm not proud of it." She cut me off. "But when you're in the game, you realize that the people you think are on your side ain't really who they say they are. I don't go around doing that shit for fun, neither does Killah. But business is business. In the corporate world, you fire someone when they do some fucked up shit right? Well in the drug world, it's the same thing except we're not so professional with it."

We stayed silent, not really knowing how to respond to that. I was just looking at her and taking in the aura she was giving off. You could tell she was very smart and had a good head on her shoulders, and I knew that if she was able to stay out of the cops' way all this time after all the crimes she's committed then her intelligence was definitely on point. I could see why Kaydence keeps her by his side.

Her 'ride or die' persona was kinda sexy to me, to be honest. She wasn't the typical female partner in crime who just hid her nigga's work for him or took his money and went shopping all day like Shania's hoe ass. Reign was in it for herself. She was loyal to Kaydence, no doubt, but she used her brains to make sure she was gaining shit from this lifestyle also.

Makes me wonder how it would feel like to have a lady like that in my life. Not the whole killing and selling drugs shit. But to have a woman who was bout her business. Someone who didn't need me to do everything for her, was smart and wanted to make her own money. A lady who was independent. If I had someone like Reign, I'd definitely be one proud mothafucka. That shit would make me wanna spoil her rotten.

I chuckled and licked my lips, something I always caught myself doing whenever Reign started making me feel weird inside. "Aight, Scarface." I smirked at her.

She laughed at my words and shook her head. "Nah, nigga. Scarface got his whole body blown off in the end. 'Ion wanna be him, gimme a better name- not 'Bonnie' either. She died too." She said playfully.

"How bout Reign Forest? 'Cause you wild like the animals but cute like them too." Cameron licked his lips and gave her an eye fuck.

Everyone slowly turned to mean mug him.
"Shut the fuck up, Cameron."

This nigga, man.


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