twenty five

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r e i g n


"Reign, just go home. You over here tryna fight the fact that you miss him. Everyone knows you and Kaydence can't go five seconds without talking or seeing each other. It's been a whole week, this a record for y'all." Monroe dryly chuckled as she folded her freshly washed laundry.

I stayed silent as I laid on her bed with Chronic on my stomach. I missed Kaydence bad. I just didn't like the person I seen in him that night when he decided to rough me up like I was one of his niggas.

"Ok Reign, listen." Monroe stopped what she was doing and came over to the bed. "I know he hurt you, shit I'll kill him my damn self if you want. But I know him and I know you. You guys love each other. Just go home and hear him out."

"But what about this whole Chin and Armani thing?" I asked while gently rubbing Chronic's head.

"Well Ramiro told me that they've been pretty busy lately, so Armani still got some time on him. And Chin? Girl I haven't heard from her in a minute. Every time I call her, she don't answer or she too busy doing some shit. 'Ion know what's going on with her and I really don't even care at this point." Monroe rolled her eyes.

I sighed and sat up on the bed. "I guess I'll go home. But I swear, if he does something stupid again I'll be right back up in here-"

"Aht aht! No you won't." She cut me off. "You not coming back here, you know why?" A smile grew on her face and I just gave her a weird look.

"Ok- you not coming back here because you guys are gonna fuck and make up. But also because..." she trailed and brought her hand down to her stomach and start rubbing it in circles.

"OHMYGOD!" My eyes widened and I jumped off the bed. "You're pregnant?!" I gasped and covered my mouth.

"Yes girl! You bout to have a lil niece or nephew. Ramiro and I found out before you came here. We were gonna wait to tell everyone a little later but I couldn't help it!"

"Oh my- I'm so happy for you! Congratulations, Roe!" We embraced in a hug as we squealed like little girls.

"Thanks girl." She broke our hug and we sat down on the bed. "That's why yo ass can't come back here. There ain't gon' be no more room for you." She said playfully as we both laughed.

"Reign, this pregnancy really opened up my eyes. I got a family to think about now. This whole life just ain't for me anymore, y'know? I don't wanna put my child in harms way. Tremaine was my last and final body, I ain't doing this shit no more. The killing, selling drugs... my child doesn't need to be around that shit. Ramiro and I are done with all this once this whole Armani shit is settled- which I hope is settled the correct way." She expressed and gave me a soft smile.

"This is great news Roe, I'm so proud of you and my brother. I always knew we would grow out of this shit eventually. I'm glad y'all are the first, out here being role models for us and shit." I chuckled and playfully nudged her.

I was so excited for her and Ramiro. I'm about to be the best auntie to that beautiful baby. The news made me think about my own life and where I was going. Where am I going? I'm a 24 year old woman who sells drugs with her friends and boyfriend. Doesn't really sound ideal to me. I make all this money but what the fuck am I doing with it? Sure, I'm able to pay my bills and get anything I want whenever I feel like it. But maybe it was time to start looking into other options that could make me rich for life, the right way.

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