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"You nervous?" Kaydence asked Reign as he kept his focus on the road.

"Not really." She replied, glancing over at him from the passenger's seat.

Today Reign was visiting her mom for the first time in 8 years. Ramiro had told Reign that she wasn't planning a big funeral service for their father, she just wanted time to grieve peacefully and privately with her two kids present. Her mother said it would be okay for Kaydence and Monroe to tag along as well.

Speaking of Monroe, her and Ramiro would be making their appearance at mama Murray's crib a little later. The two had some business to handle before leaving.

Kaydence cleared his throat and sat up in the driver's seat. "So listen, I kinda have something I wanna talk to you about." He said as he clutched on to the steering wheel.

"Okay, what is it?" Reign questioned.

"It's about Armani."

Reign turned to him with a raised eyebrow. He looked and did a double-take at her. "Why you lookin' at me like that?" He asked, looking back at the road.

She kissed her teeth. "What about Armani?" She asked.

He released a deep sigh, knowing how fucking insecure he was about to sound, even though he wasn't, but he just felt like it was for the better.

"I think you should stop chillin' wit him so much."

Reign furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't chill with him, I chill with him and his friends. What's the problem?"

"There ain't no problem. It's not like I said stop hangin' out with him completely. I just think you should tone it down a bit." He shrugged.

"I understand but you're not telling me why. He hasn't done anything wrong so I just-"

"He likes you." Kaydence blurted out.

Reign stared at him for a few seconds before a smile formed on her face and bursted out into laughter. "You're crazy." She said. "Adrian used to like me too, remember? And Cameron stays eye fucking the shit outta me. So what's the big deal if Armani has a little crush? Which I'm pretty sure he doesn't. If he does though, this too shall pass. It's not that serious, Kaydence." She snickered and looked out the window.

He knew she was right. He's never complained about anyone crushing on her before but it was just Shania's words that were fucking with him.

"I hear you, baby. But I see how he gets around you... and how you so happy and shit when you with them niggas. Not that I don't wanna see you happy, 'cause I do. But he's-"

"Awwww, is my KK jealous?" She turned to him and brought her hand up to caress the back of his head.

"What?! Woman, you know I don't get jealous."

He was indeed getting jealous.

"I just don't want anything to get outta hand, Reign. I wanna stop the shit before it even happens. Cam and Adrian know not to fuck with me. But Armani? That nigga looks bold. I ain't got no problem with him but if he tries anything with you, you already know what's gonna happen."

Reign sighed and slowly nodded. "Okay baby, I gotchu." She said softly and smiled. He brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed it. "Thanks, mamas."

Reign didn't want anybody's life to be put at risk because of her. She didn't know for sure if Armani had feelings for her but she knew it was best if she did what Kaydence asked in order to keep Armani safe.

Meanwhile back at the crew's warehouse, Ramiro was waiting on Tremaine to show up to collect his final payment and finally get lost.

The fight between the two men yesterday still wasn't sitting right Tre. He always felt like Ramiro thought he was the boss everything. They would bump heads frequently, way more than Tre and Puffy would. Puffy would usually let Tre's antics slide, but Ramiro always had something to say. Tre didn't like that shit at all. And the fact that Ramiro basically had the power to kick him to the curb was the cherry on top for Tre. Today, Tre was gonna kill Ramiro.

"Finally." Ramiro mumbled to himself as he watched Tre enter the warehouse.

"Sup?" Tre dapped him up.

"Here's your cut." Ramiro brought out a duffle bag from under the table. "You can count it, it's all there."

Tre opened up the bag and took a quick glance at the money and nodded. "Looks good." He said and zipped it back closed.

Ramiro sighed and rubbed down his face. "Look man, I'm sorry bout yesterday. And I'm sorry it had to go down like this. But business is business. I wish you well, Tre." He stuck his hand out for Tremaine to shake.

Tre deeply chuckled and grabbed the duffle bag with one hand and swiftly pulled his gun out from the back of his jeans with his free one. "Nah nigga." He pointed the gun in Ramiro's face. Ramiro furrowed his eyebrows and quickly put his hands up in surrender. "The fuck is you doin'?!"

Tre snickered. "You ain't got much to say now huh? You always tryna talk slick and be the boss. Just like yo fucking sister! You both some annoying mothafuckas. You sorry it had to go down like this? Nah. I'm sorry it had to go down like this."



Ramiro watched Tremaine's body fall to the ground.

See what Tre didn't know was, Ramiro was already one step ahead of him. Ramiro already knew how insane Tre was and he was actually expecting him to pull a move like this. There was no way Tre was gonna walk without someone dying first. That's just how he was.

Ramiro brought Monroe with him to the warehouse and had her hide behind some stacked up boxes that were filled with product. He instructed her to only come out and sneak up behind Tre if the nigga was about to pull some snake shit. Monroe was right one queue, giving Tre one bullet to his bald ass head.

"Y'all clean this shit up." Ramiro said to his workers, who were also hiding with Monroe.

And with that, Monroe grabbed Tre's money and held on to Ramiro's hand as they left the warehouse to set out on their journey to mama Murray's crib.


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