thirty one

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The following day after Reign's conversation with Kaydence, she began planning on how she was gonna take out Puff, which didn't really need much thought. Reign knew where Shania would keep the spare key to the house hidden, so getting inside would be easy. As soon as her and Puff came face to face, she was just gonna end it all there, no long talking and no negotiating.

Meanwhile, Kaydence was planning out his attack on Puffy as well. The same way Reign didn't want Kaydence to get hurt, he didn't want her to get hurt also. He still loved her and like he's always stated, he would do anything for her. He wanted to get to Puffy before Reign could.

Armani had followed Reign after she told him she was going to visit Monroe. He didn't believe her. He peeped her in the bathroom quickly shoving a gun in her pants and left the loft wearing in all black attire and black leather gloves. He knew something was up. There was no need to be wearing gloves in this hot ass weather.

Reign parked her car around the corner from Puffy's house while Armani parked up not too far from there and watched her search outside of the house for the spare key. Once she entered the house, Armani grabbed his gun out of the glove compartment, hopped his car and walked up to the house.

Reign searched for Puffy in the basement before making her way upstairs after he wasn't down there. Armani then entered the house and slowly crept his way around, trying to find Reign.

She opened up the bedroom door and crept her way in, searching the closet and connected bathroom but still didn't find him.

"Looking for me?" Reign turned around and seen Puffy standing at the doorway. "Why you over here tryna kill me Reign? Thought you and Kaydence was over after he raped my girl. Speaking of which,"he slowly started walking towards Reign, "I haven't heard from Shania in days. I came home and she wasn't here... Care to explain something?" He stopped walking.

They both stood there having an intense stare off before they swiftly pulled out their guns from the back of their pants at the same time and pointed it at each other.

Armani suddenly ran into the room and tackled Puffy to the ground. Reign then pointed her gun down at them and shot Puffy in his arm, missing his head due to Armani being in the way.

"Let's go, let's go!" She tugged onto Armani and they both ran down the stairs. Puffy picked up his gun and got up and ran after them while holding on to his wound.

Reign and Armani made it outside, which was now raining hard as hell. They struggled as they tried to run back to Reign's car with the rain weighing them down. Puffy ran out and chased after them. Unable to see clearly of where and who he was about to shoot, he suddenly released a bullet to the back Reign's thigh. "Agh!" She yelled and fell to the ground.

"Reign!" Armani ran back and dropped down to her level. He quickly got back up once he noticed Puffy getting closer and grabbed his gun out of his jeans. He ran up to Puffy and began pistol whipping him until Puff's body was too weak to handle it anymore. Armani let him drop to the ground and pointed the gun at him while the rain poured heavily on the two men.

"Go 'head Mani, do it. You gon' lose everything." Puff panted and slurred his words while looking up at Armani with a bloody face. "You gon' lose yo job, yo future, yo life. Pull the trigger boss man. You one stupid mothafucka if you do-"


A bullet went right through his head. Armani's breathing increased as he stood there and watched Puffy's body lay out on the ground.

He was in shock. Shocked because wasn't the one who pulled the trigger. He looked to his right and seen Reign still on the ground while trying to apply pressure to her wound.

He snapped his neck to the left and noticed Kaydence. It was Kaydence who killed Puff. Kaydence lowered his pistol and jogged up to Armani. "Gimme ya gun." He snatched it out of Armani's hand and ran up to Reign and picked her gun up off the sidewalk.

"You guys get the fuck outta here." He walked back up to Armani. "Don't go to the hospital. Go to this guy named Mikey, Reign knows who he is. He'll fix her leg up." He quickly instructed.

The sound of sirens from afar suddenly sounded off and Armani shook his head. "But what about you-"

"Listen, to don't worry about me." Kaydence hurriedly blurted out. "Ima take the heat for everything. I can't give Reign the life she deserves. This shit right here is all I could ever provide for her. Make sure you take care of her, you got this man. Now hurry up."

Armani exhaled deeply and held out his fist, in which Kaydence quickly dapped in return. Armani turned around and picked Reign up bridal style and ran off to her car. He placed her in the passenger's seat and used a sweater from the back seat to tie around her thigh as she gave him the address to Mikey's place.

As he pulled away from the curb, multiple police cars started swarming in front of Puffy's house. The officers quickly got out of their cars and pointed their weapons at Kaydence. "You have the right to remain silent!" Kaydence dropped all three guns and put his hands up to surrender as he fell on his knees.

One thing Kaydence always promised himself to stick by, was making sure Reign was straight. She was his first love, his only love. He knew that what he was doing in this very moment was something that would save her from going down a path that he didn't want to see her go in. She had so much potential to do better than what they've been doing together for the past 7 years. He wasn't gonna allow the mess that Shania created taunt Reign's mind.

He was always gonna make sure Reign was good for life.


If you read my book 'Da 2nd Generation', you know which character was the inspiration for Kaydence in this chapter ;)


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