Chapter 2: Dr. Myoui

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Mina's POV

"Minatozaki, get me here gauze pad. Who the pakinshet get my gauze pad here?" I asked Dr. Minatozaki that is beside me, she point Dr. Hirai in the next bed while smiling at me.

"God she is annoying, get me a new gauze pad" I said then Sana unnie immediately run and because she is clumsy she got tripped. Momo unnie laugh loudly and her patient start to get laugh too.

"Stand up and get me gauze pad. Hurry" I said that made Momo unnie shut up, she continue to treat her patient.

"Dr. Hirai who told you to get my gauze pad here?" I said in my stren voice, Momo unnie flinched and clear her throat.

"Dr. Myoui, I already told you and you nodded your head"

"You heard her?" I asked the patient and she nodded her head. I sigh and look at Momo unnie.

"You didn't tell me, I'm sorry" Momo unnie smile at me. Why she always tease me and in the end, I will say sorry? Nevermind, I'm not mad just pissed. I still love them anyway.

"You don't have to say sorry" Momo unnie said and she stand up. And check her patient vital signs.

"I will get going now Minari, I will go the canteen. It's lunch break already" she said and go without me. That woman always first eating lunch without me or even Sana unnie. They are my bestfriend/my team.

We are bestfriends since we are child and we are both super close. We also dream to be a surgeon and we are glad that we finally did it.

"Dr. Myoui thank you" my patient said and I smile at her. Earlier while I was getting my coffee at the starbucks when I saw this girl bleeding. I ask her what happen to her and she said that some bullys throw a stone. That hit her head and she start to bleed.

She is homeless that sleeping at the streets. At first she refuse to go with me at the hospital because she doesn't have any money. I insist so she have no choice but to follow me.

"No problem, next time be careful. Where are your parents?"

"My parents got killed because of the loan sharks and lost my house" she said and I sigh, poor girl. I search my wallet and get card.

"Take this, I will give you some coins and call them. They are orphanages, just say my name and they will help you. Don't worry I will text them that I told you. By the way what is your name?" I asked her, Mina you are kind of idiot. You two are alreadt talking for hours even her name you didn't know.

"Shin Yuna, Dr. Myoui" Yuna said and she lower her head. Maybe she got shy, she is pretty and tall too. She got a model vibe for me.

"Myoui Mina is my name and call me Mina unnie. I don't mind" I said that made her smile, she got a bright and wide smile. By the way why Sana unniee is still not coming back. I temporary cover Yuna's wound a clean towel.

"Stay here, I will get some gauze pad. That clumsy woman" I said and marched toward the desk. Then I saw her with her boyfriend. I raise my eyebrow and walk towards them.

"Dr. Myoui, nice to see you!" Tzuyu said and he smile at me. Sana unnie flinched as she look back at me.

"Hi Sergeant Chou, Dr. Minatozaki I told you to get me some gauze pad" I said Tzuyu smile and control not to laugh. Sana unnie pinched him that made Tzuyu shut up.

"Here I get you some gauze pad, can I get my lunch now? He is waiting"

"Like do I have a choice? Okay go now and text me where to you two. Momo unnie left me and eat her lunch" I said and that made Sana unnie pout. I hearf Tzuyu saying to Sana unnie to let me join their date.

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