Chapter 15: I just love but still it's hurts

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"Chae chae!" A loud little girl shout as she runs to a boy that is playing at the swing.

"Hi! Did you get it?" 5 year old Chaeyoung asked and the girl nodded her head. She show her plam that full of rose flowers. Chaeyoung smile and he get it. He fix the rose and put it in the side hair of the girl.

"You look beautiful and rose is really match with you" Chaeyoung said as he compliment the girl. The girl smile at him and she poke Chaeyoung's dimple.

"Mr. Dimple" she said that made Chaeyoung smile more.

Flashback ended

Chaeyoung's POV

I saw Mina is looking at me and she poke my dimple. I remember someone that used to poke my dimple.

"Should I call you Mr. Dimple?" she asked and I shook my head, I just laugh.

"What a nice nickname Dr. Myoui anyway let's go to the quarters" I said and she just laugh. While we both walking I noticed that a lot of kids are here today.

"Field trip?" Dr. Myoui asked and I look back at her. I nodded and there has a two school bus. Maybe they are elementary students.

"Yes let's go" I said and we get inside of the quarters. A lot of park rangers that is taking a break. I'm glad that there has a female ranger that can Dr. Myoui talk to.

"What we are doing here?" she asked and I open my notebook. She look at it and furrowed her eyebrows. I chuckled and look at her adorable face. She look like a kid that is curious about a thing.

"I'm taking down notes for the investigation, anyway we are leaving later so that we can place our tents later" I said and she nodded her head. We eat a little and roam around the park again. I smiled at the kids that is enjoying feeding the rabbits.

The park has a playground, hiking course for the kids and a camping site. They can also star gazing and admired the beautiful sky.

"SALUTE!" I flinched when a boy screamed in front of me and he salute. I laugh and I salute to him. He giggle and look at my uniform.

"Hey kid what is your name?" I asked and he smile at me.

"My name is Chawoon!" the kid say and I pat his head. Well he looks like a bit of I know. I just shook my head, I saw Dr. Myoui running towards me and she saw the kid. Her face went pale as she saw the kid.

I was about to talk to her when she run away from me. I smile at the kid and run follow Dr. Myoui. I can't see her and I check my watch it's already afternoon. We still need to be place our tents.

"Officer I thought that you are going now" one of the rangers asked and I nodded my head.

"Just waiting for Dr. Myoui" I said and he said that he saw Dr. Myoui at the bridge sitting and she seems to be lost.

I run to find her and I saw her sitting down while she is looking something at her phone. I slowly walk towards her and sit beside her.

"Are you okay?" I asked and I never dare to look at her. I can't bear woman who is crying.

"Yeah just a bit of sad let's go" she said and I stop her. She sit again and she cry again.

"Come here" I said and I open my arms to her. She immediately give me a hug and she is hugging me tightly. I sighed and caress her hair. Her hair is smooth and it's smells good.

She already sleeping and I sighed again. Sleepyhead and I carry her in a bridal style. While I was walking I saw some rangers salute to me and I place her slowly at the back of the car. I fix her position and I start the jeep to the camping site.

Mina's POV

I was awaken by a good smell that I smell. I realized that I fall asleep at Officer Som earlier. I look around and I saw a group of campers that is hanging out and they are happily singing together. I got scared when Officer Son knocked on the door. He smiled at me and I laugh because he look stupid smiling at me.

"Finally you are already awake. I'm so hungry" he said and I saw that he is cooking a meat. Based on what I saw at his jeep. He doesn't bring any meat.

"Where do you get your meat?" I asked and I sit beside his small chair. He smirk and he point the group of campers that I saw earlier.

"They just gave me and I grilled it. Here" he said and gave me a meat. While I was eating, I saw him putting a bowl of ramen. He gave it to me and we start to eat. It feels nice to eat while you are outside. I look up and I saw stars in the clear sky. I smile and I noticed that Officer Son is fixing the bowl and plate that we ate.

"Can I asked you something?" he asked and he sit beside me. I nodded my head and I look up admiring the sky.

"Why are you crying earlier?" he asked that made smile the bitter one. I inhaled and slowlt calming myself.

"Mommy said that if I feel heavy on my heart I should let it out. Since you are a great soldier and a man. I will tell you a story of a girl, she only loved this guy but sadly he broke her heart" I said and I still looking at the sky. I can feel his stare at me and I bitterly smile. I can remember the day he broke my heart.

"That girl is me, I just loved him as much as I love myself but I didn't know that it can hurt me. I meet him at the university, he is a football player while me a member of dance club. He is famous and a lot of fangirls. I have this a little crush on him because he is so cool playing football and I didn't know that he has a crush on me too" I said and I wipe my tears. I can feel his stare and I continue my story.

"We became couple actually he is nice, sweet and my parents are good with even my brother too. People at the university call us the perfect couple. I thought he is differeng from other football players that are playboy but I'm wrong. I saw him....kissing and fucking other girl" I said that I cry even more.

"I saw them both of my eyes, he is so shameless for doing it at my own condo that my parents gave to me. I broke up to him and he said that I'm boring to him" I wipe my tears and still looking at the sky.

"He is fucking asshole, he broke up with me and I lost everything. I lost being a dean lister and my parents get mad at me. Then a year later, I was okay, I already move on to him but he get back at me. Because I was a stupid I agree but for the 2nd time he did it again and I found out that he has already a child. That child is the one you saw earlier" I said and I look back at him. I flinched when he pull me closer to him. He is hugging me tight and I can feel his kiss on my head.

"You know it's okay, if you think that I am the same with your asshole ex. I never fuck a girl Dr. Myoui" he said that made me laugh. I know that he is different I can feel it.

Chaeyoung's POV

She looks so soft right now. She is still hugging me and I guess she need a hug right now.

"We just love but still it's hurt" I said that made her look at me. She look closely and look at my eyes. I feel like she is hypnotizing me. She smirk at me and said

"What if I date you?"


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