Chapter 43: Do things for love

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Third's Person Point of View

The whole military units take an action to trace who hurt and kidnap the Son Family. The news spread round the city about General Son Chaeyoung having a son and a girlfriend that blew up the media units.

Mina who is still at the hospital can't believe what happen to her son. She can't even eat properly while Chaeyoung is mad about what happen. He can't sleep or even eat the fact that his only son kidnap by someone.

Meanwhile Rosè is getting flustered because of Minjae. She throw the bowl of rice porridge and mess her hair. Minjae is not eating even a single rice.

"GOSH YOU ARE MAKING ME MAD!! WHY ARE YOU NOT EATING?!!!" Minjae flinched and he is going to cry but he convince himself that he is strong.

Mommy raise him to be good and strong boy. He told himself that daddy is going to save him but that bad guys.

"I'm not going to eat! You are not mommy!" Minjae said and Rosè got made, she left Minjae there. She is stomping on her way down and she saw Bambam fixing something.

"Can you kill that kid? He is making me mad and did you follow my instruction?" Rosè ask while calming herself, she doesn't know that Bambam is already taking an action to catch Rosè.

"Yeah, I'm going to Mina right now. I will convince her to go with me. I'm going now" Bambam said but before he go, he saw Minjae sitting there and he is crying while calling her mother and father.

"Minjae, here" Bambam said and he throw a bread and a strawberry drink that Minjae's love. Minjae wipe his tears and ignore Bambam. He is still upset to his uncle.

"Don't worry I will help you get out of this. Just wait for your daddy" Bambam said and he sneak to go to the hospital. He saw how the names and faces of Rosè flash on the news because she is the main suspect of the said kidnapping.

Bambam feels hurt and at the same time guilty. He regrets working on his half sister because of his love for Mina. Bambam first met Mina in their elementary but because of his fat image, Mina can't recognize him. He promis to himself that he will work hard to Mina.

That's why he chose to be become a army at the same a doctor. He already knows about Chaeyoung. His family sometimes go to their house and he envy how amazing Chaeyoung is. He got the attention and the support he wants. Bambam is always at the shadow. His father don't bother to introduced him as his son. He is always looking far away and work by himself.

His anger to Chaeyoung raise up because of Rosè told him. But it was a lie that made by Rosè, he fall in her trap as he thinks that he will kill Chaeyoung. His anger to Chaeyoung even more raise as he knows that Chaeyoung has a something with Mina.

He is the one who told his men to bump Chaeyoung that cause him to serious injuries. He is glad at that time because Mina left him and that time he met Mina again and he friends with her.

Bambam feel hurt as he knows that the father of Mina's child is Chaeyoung. But he chose to be with Mina's side hoping that Mina will love him as she love Chaeyoung but to his disappointment she couldn't. Mina truly loves Chaeyoung that made him regret on his actions.

That's why he chose to do the right thing and he will confess to the police about what he did. He will accept all the punishment that is waiting for him.

Bambam already arrive at the hospital and he ask the nurse if where is Mina's room.

"Mina?" Bambam knock on the door and he saw Mina who is looking at her son picture.

"Bam help me find my son" Mina suddenly said when she saw Bambam is in the door. Bambam slowly walk towards her and pat her head.

"I'm sorry Mina for what I did. I hope that you will forgive me. I just did it because I love you" Bambam said that made Mina look at him.

"W-what do you mean?" Mina asked that made Bambam tear up. He take a deeo breathe and kneel down.

"I am Rosè half brother and I am the one who is helping her. About the Chaeyoung's accident and the kidnapping" Bambam said and Mina sit straight. She gave Bambam a hard slap on his face and punch him in his chest.

"How could you! I trust you!" Mina said and Bambam let her do what she want to him. Later on he found himself in the police station telling all he knows from the start.

The police officer put him behind the bars while cursing himself about what he did.

"I'm so disppointed" Mina said and Bambam look up. He saw Mina looming at him with a sad expression written all of her face.

"Why did you do that? Chaeyoung almost died because of the accident and my son is young to exprience this kind of trauma. Bam I trusted you but you broke it"

"Mina you know people get crazy because of love. And I am crazy for that, I just think about myself. The only thing that I want in life is you. You are like a ball of sunshine that lights my heart. I know it's a bad way to express my love. I'm sorry if I cause you so much pain and trouble to your family. I wish you became happy with him. I just want a happiness for you" Bambam said that made Mina cry. She slowly pat his head that made Bambam cry like a child.

"I'm sorry, I can't like you back. I'm sorry bam" Mina said and Bambam nodded his head. He let Mina disappear in his sight like how she disappear in his life.

Meanwhile the police unit is already taking an action. Chaeyoung told them to prepare the SWAT Team for the back up.

"The main mission is to make sure that my son is safe and arrest them. I will make sure that they will pay for this" Chaeyoung said that made the other officer shiver as Chaeyoung's tone gets aggresive and so much anger on it.


Note: I'm going to say that the end is approaching. It is sad to hear, I already love this book. It's one of my favorite books that I written.

Anyway since the pandemic is still going on and it's sad to hear that the classes is going on. My father who is supporting my studies have no work because of the pandemic.

So I thought that I should open a writing comission. I'm still deciding if I will continue it or not since I'm not that good writer. I still need more time to improve.

Anyway if someone is interested I will post the details soon😊😊

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