Chapter 35: Son's feelings

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Yuna's POV

"Minjae get down here! Let's eat!" I shouted and I saw Minjae walking down the stairs, pouting while holding a book on his arms.

"What's with that face?" I asked and he stop walking and embrance his book. I walk towards him and look what's wrong.

I noticed that he is sulky when Mina unnie transfer work. I guess he just miss his mother. For 4 years Mina unnie is his side all the time. Myoui family is one of the major stockholders of the hospital near us.

Minjae is always in the office so Mina unnie always visit him. He used that Mina unnie is on his side.

"Nothing noona, I'm just sad" he said and pout again. I sigh and carry him to the table to eat his dinner. Uncle and Auntie are in the hospital and we only two of us here in the house.

"Let's eat" I said and give him a chicken. He start to eat and wipe his mouth full of ketchup. Mina unnie and him loves ketchup so much.

"Noona do you think mommy is okay"

"Of course" I answered and he give me the book that he is holding. I read the title it's about how happy to have a complete family.

"Where did you find this?" I asked and he drink all his water.

"Auntie Momo gave me. Noona they said in the book that it's more happy to have a daddy and mommy. Noona do you think that my daddy hate me?" he asked that made me look at him. He looks sad while looking at me.

"Minjae, what kind of father that will hate his son?"

"But why he is not beside me?"

"Because there has a reason for it" I said and he nodded his head. I fix the table to wash the dishes.

"Noona I will help" he said and I carry him and put him to the tall chair, I told him to put the plates, cups and spoons to the cabinet.

"Be careful" I said and he smile at me. I look at him and laugh he is already wet.

"Let's take bath" I said and wash him neatly. I made him wore his favorite strawberry pajama set.

"Noona do you know Mr. Dimples?" he asked and I shook my head. He always mention him but I don't know who is it.

"The tall guy in the art!" he said and I remember the guy. I try to recognized him but he really looks familiar.

"What about him?"

"He likes strawberry too and art! And he is so kind" he said while hugging the rabbit stuff toy that Mina unnie give him.


"I wish that he is like my dad. I want my daddy to be kind" he said while yawning. I just smile and get a book to read. I finished reading the book and I look at him. He is already sleeping while holding the rabbit stuff toy.

"You still need to be thankful Minjae that you have your mommy by your side. I'm sure that Mina unnie has a reason for not meeting your father" I whispered and kiss his forehead.

I get down to fix all the mess that we made in the living room earlier. The door suddenly unlocked and I saw Uncle and Auntie with a box of pizza in their hand.

"Is Minjae sleeping?" she asked and I nodded my head. I help to carry their things and put it in the couch.

"Here have some pizza, I thought he is awake. Finally he sleeps without his mother" Uncle said and nodded my head. If Mina unnie can't go home, she always make sure to sing a lullaby for Minjae to make him sleep.

"Maybe he got tired, we play so much" I said and munch of my pizza.

"Anyway did Minjae ask about his father?" Auntie asked and I nodded my head. Everyday he always ask about it, I always told him to ask his mommy but he don't want.

"I don't know what Mina is thinking. You know that Minjae's father is a military person" Oh I remember Mina unnie's boyfriend, maybe he is father? I'm so stupid.

"I never meet him but I guess he is a good boy and I learn that his family is influencial and powerful. Having a two general son" uncle said as he drink his water.

"Based on my friends at the military doctor. I don't know why Mina is still keeping Minjae away from his father"

"Because of the threat that she receive when she is pregnant" I flinched when I saw Kai oppa with a bag on his shoulder.

"Why are you here? What about your wife and son?" Uncle asked and he sit beside me.

"Oh they are at their parent's home. I will go their tomorrow. Anyway just trust Mina, don't ever tell anything to Minjae. Let Mina do that" he said and we all nodded our head.


Mina's POV

"What happen to you for the past 5 years?" Chaeyoung asked he is holding my hand. I smiled at him and I lean my head in his shoulder.

"I go back to my parents and I start working on the hospital there" I said and he nodded his head. Mina this is the right time but why you can't say it.

"I'm glad that you are okay. Honestly I am upset that you leave me without any warning"

"But-" he put his finger on my lips to shut me up. I saw him smiling and pat my head.

"I know Mina, I understand that you do it. Don't worry about now, I'm already finding Rosè and her family. I will make sure that they get punish according to the law. They almost killed me and they destroy us" he said and I nodded my head. Now Mina you already heared what you want to heared.

But I can't say it, I want to but there is something that holding me.

"So are we okay now?" he asked and I nodded my head.

"I'm happy Mina, so that's means we are still couple? We are not had a proper break up"

"Wait..we seperate for over 5 years based on my understanding we are over" I said that made him pout

"But we kissed earlier-" I cover his mouth, gosh he is so loud. We are nearly caught earlier in his office.

I feel relieved because I lock the door before I enter.

"You kissed me General"

"But you kissed back. You said yes that you still love me. Mina that is the factor that we are together again" he said and I flick his forehead.

"You haven't ask me to your girlfriend"

"Okay Mina can you be my girlfriend?" he asked and smile at me. Gosh he is annoying and slow.

"No, court me and don't ever kiss me again without my permission" I said and left him there sulking. I go out of his office with a smile on my face.

I slowly touch my lips, seriously I miss his lips. I giggle and my happy moment destroy when I saw Bambam walking towards me.

"Hi" I said and he smile at me. I saw him holding a flowers that made my eyebrows raise.

"For you, I just saw this earlier I forgot to give you this" he said and I just look at it.

"Take it, just a friendly gift" he said and I just take it. I thanked him and I said that I need to sleep now.

I don't know why he still pursuing me. I already told him that I can't love him because he is just my friend, nothing more.

This set up is making me crazy.


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