Chapter 41: Meeting in laws

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Third's POV

It was a saturday morning, short arms are wrapping in Chaeyoung's waist and Mina can't stop smiling from what she see. Minjae is backhugging Chaeyoung while Chaeyoung is hugging Mina.

Mina slowly get up and she let the two sleep. Mina prepare a breakfast for the two cub. She is frying a bacon and some ham. She also prepare Chaeyoung's coffee as well as Minjae's favorite strawberry milk.

"Good morning" Chaeyoung said as he wrap his arms in her waist causing Mina to flinched.

"Good morning, where is Minjae?" Mina asked and she look back but to her surprised Chaeyoung gave her a quick kiss on her lips that made her blush.

"That boy is sleeping, gosh I didn't know that he has a lot of energy" he said that made Mina chuckled. Mina pinch his nose and he giggle. He start to shower kisses on Mina's face.

"Daddy stop kissing mommy" Minjae said and he run to tackle Chaeyoung. Accidentally Minjae hit Chaeyoung's pet that made him groan in pain.

"What-" he said and Mina help him to stand up. She laugh and kiss Chaeyoung's red face. Minjae said sorry and they start their morning lovely.

"Before you go, I want to say that my parents wants to see you and Minjae" Chaeyoung said and Mina nodded her head. She smile but deep inside she is already nervous.

"Okay, I will go home early. Take care both of you I already listed the things that Minjae need to drink. Don't feed him to much sweets" Mina said and Chaeyoung nodded his head.

"Mommy bye I love you" Minjae said and he kiss his mother cheeks with a tight hug. Mina smile and kiss Minjae's nose.

"I love you too little boy"

"What about mine?" Chaeyoung said and he looks at Mina asking for a kiss. Mina flick his forehead that made Minjae laugh at his father.

Mina wave her hands and she get down to the parking lot. While driving her car she notice someone in the side walk.

"Is that Rosè?" Mina said but she focus on driving. Mina just shook her head, maybe she is seeing something weird.


"Dr. Myoui welcome back" Director Kim said and he gave Mina a big hug to welcone her again in the hospital. Mina smile at him and she look back to see her two bestfriends smiling at her.

"Thank you director Kim" Mina said after that short welcome party they got into their work. Mina is on duty to roam around the private rooms to check how the patients are doing.

"Dr. Myoui my husband is can't breath properly" the women said and Mina nodded her head. She check his breathing and she request to do a laboratory test for him.

"Dr. Myoui is back, gosh she looks more beautiful than ever" one of the nurse said and they didn't know that Mina is already in front of them smiling while holding a laboratory result.

"I notice that, she got more pretty. I wonder if she is still dating General Son" the other one said and Mina clear her throat. The nurses flinche and smile to Mina like nothing happen.

"Make sure to bring these result to doctor who is in charge" Mina said she going to walk away when she look back with a smile on her face.

"Yes we are still together" Mina said that made the two smile and wave to Mina. Mina laugh and let them scream.

Mina is busy on her work when her phone start to vibrate. It was a reminder to the dinner later. She already get premission to Director Kim. She is fix her things and take off her white coat.

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