Chapter 5: Camping

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Chaeyoung's POV

"I will get going now" I said as I get all the things I needed and put it in the back of the jeep.

"Did you get some rifle or shotgun? For your safety" Jihyo noona said and I nodded my head. I hid some guns below of my seat. You don't know what animals or hunters you will encounter at the forest.

"I'll get going now. Call me if anything happens" I said and get inside of my jeep and start patrolling around. I'm going be roam around the while forest and I hope that anything will be good.

Mina's POV

"Before you and Dr. Hirai get back to your work. I suggest that will get a vacation like camping" Director Kim said and I nodded. It's not bad vacation though, camping is kind of healing for us.

"How about the hospital?" I asked and Director Kim give me a letter. It is our letter for the application in the wildlife.

"Actually you, Dr. Minatozaki and Dr. Hirai will be going. Dr. Yoo also want to come with you and the location is in tbe twiceland that you two will working"

"Okay sir, thank you for the little vacation"

"Don't worry about the expenses, the unit is fetching you tomorrow morning so pack all your things. The medical equipment is complete already so bring all the personal things. And don't worry one of the unit is guiding you about the forest" Director Kim explained to me and I bow to him. While walking I saw again Somi who is flirting one of the doctors.

I walk passed by them and ignored them but this idiot doctor called me.

"Dr. Myoui, I heard that you are transferring to the military unit. I will miss you" Dr. Park said, I smile at him. And tap his shoulder, I saw Somi glaring at me but I just ignore her. The more you gave attention to a people like that the more they get obsess with you.

"Bitch" I heard Somi said but I continue walking back to our room and get my things.

"Minari you should bring more food what if we get hungry there?" Momo unnie said and I faceplam, she is already have a bag of snacks.

"God you have already a whole bag of snacks and we are only 2 days and night there. The officer is preparing a meal for us" Sana unnie said and we are waiting for the unit to pick us up. Jeongyeon oppa is busy talking to Nayeon unnie.

After that a mini van with a logo of the military stop in front of us. A girl who has a short hair wearing a military uniform. I saw her name in her left chest.

"Good day! I am Senior Officer Park Jihyo in the wildlife unit. Nice meeting you doctors!" Officer Jihyo said with a big smile on her face. She looks strict if she don't smile but she looks cheerful when she is smiling. I like her energy.

"Good day Officers! I am Dr. Yoo Jeongyeon and this is my co doctors. Introduced yourself" Sana unnie step up and she wave her hand.

"Hi I am Dr. Minatozaki Sana"

"I am Dr. Hirai Momo"

"I am Dr. Myoui Mina" I said and Officer Jihyo look at me. I think she knows me because they request me for the replacement.

"I already know Dr. Myoui since she is famous in our unit" Officer Jihyo said and I shocked about me being....famous? I'm not a popular

"Wow you are famous" Momo unnie whispered to me and I blushed it is fresh to me since I like being alone.

"Anyway let's go some officers are waiting for you" Officer Jihyo said and we got into the van.

"And we are here!" Officer Jihyo said and we slowly go out of the van. Their base is not that big like other bases but it is so neat and peaceful. I saw some rangers cleaning the front backyard and I notice a lot of people wearing a military uniform guarding the front gate and the front door.

"I heard only two doctors are staying here including Dr. Myoui" Officer Jihyo walk inside and we follow her. I notice some of the officers are looking at us and I got insecure.

"Yes Officer that would be Dr. Hirai. Me and Dr. Minatozaki is here for our little break" Jeongyeon oppa said and Officer Jihyo nodded her head.

"This is your room you can left your some clothes here. Later at 12 we are having our lunch so one of the officers are going to call you. Rest a bit and later at 3 we are going for hiking" Officer Jihyo said and we fix our things. I bring 1 suitcase and one handybag since I can wash my clothes here. I look around the room it is simple but air is military.

"I remember Dubu bestfriend, he is a wildlife officer. I ask Officer Jihyo later" Momo unnie said and I remember him, I don't know his name and even the face!

"Tzu bestfriend also, he said to me that they are close since college. They met at the military academy. I remember his name but not his surname" Sana unnie said and Jeongyeon oppa is already sleeping! I sit beside Momo unnia and she hug me.

"What if his name? We can ask Jihyo later and I want to meet him again. He is nice"

"Chaeyoung but I forget the surname" Sana unnie said and I just listen to them. So Chaeyoung is his name whatever he is out for me.

"Oh Officer Son?" Officer Jihyo said and that surname is familiar with me. I forget where I heard it. We are currently walking and its nice finally I can breath fresh air.

"He is on duty right now. Maybe next week you can meet him. How do you know him?"

"He is our boyfriend's bestfriend" Sana unnie said and Officer Jihyo smile.

"You mean Dahyun and Tzuyu?" Officer Jihyo said and we all look at her. Wow she knows them?

"Yes, I am Tzuyu's girlfriend while Dr. Hirai is Dahyun's girlfriend" Sana unnie said and she clap her hands. She smile at us and she get her wallet.

"These two is my babies, this is their graduation in the academy. Too bad Officer Son is not there since he is busy preparing for his exams but he gradaute together with the two" Tzuyu and Dahyun looks young in there. Can't deny that they are really handsome.

"So call me Jihyo for now but if we get back to the base. Call me Officer" Jihyo said and she smile at us. She is nice and she talk about nature and animals. All of us enjoy the talk.

Our little adventure is really fun and we met other campers and hikers. There has a specific location for the tourist and hikers because they reserve the natural resources.

They also prepared a mini games and I enjoy it. Later at night, we place our tents and enjoy star gazing. We also sing, I'm pretty impressed on Jihyo she sings really well.

Third person's point of view

While the group of doctors is fixing their things. Mina and Jeongyeon are placing their things in the back of the jeep. Since Jihyo requested a jeep to pick them up.

Mina noticed that her bracelet is missing. She thinks we could she left it and she thinks that she left it in the lake where they take a bath. She just go there without a consent. All of them are busy fixing their things and not notice that Mina is missing.

Mina saw her bracelet and she tries to get it. Her bracelet is hanging at the tree and she tries to reach it. She accidentally fall in the edge of the mountain and she rolled over through the lake. She lost concious while holding her bracelet.

Meanwhile Jihyo notice that Mina is missing and they tried to find her but they can't find her.


"Copy Officer" Chaeyoung said and they go back to the base. While Chaeyoung is driving to find her.

Note: Ready for their meeting😊

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