Chapter 21: Don't leave me

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Chaeyoung's POV

I froze when my eyes and her eyes met. She quickly get inside of her car and Mina look at me.

"What happen to you?" she asked and I shook my head.

"I just remember something" I said and I get inside of her car. She is the one who is driving. Why I can't stop thinking of her?

"Let's go to my condo and I will cook" Mina said and I smiled at her. I should talk to Rosè about us, I want to start my life with Mina.

"You can cook?" I said and she glared at me. What did I say something bad? I'm just askinh.

"Of course Officer, I only live alone" she said and I just laugh.

We already arrived at her condo. This is my first time going to her condo. We get inside, I find her condo so simple but elegant just like her. I noticed that she has a ps4 there, she likes video games?

"You can turn on the tv and watch what you want" she said and I guess she go to her room. I put my bag beside me and take off my coat. I open the tv and watch some drama.

"Are you going back to the base?" she asked and I look at her. She looks sexy in her oversized hoodie and shorts.

"Nope, I'm going to Tzuyu" I said, I left some of my clothes there.

"Uhm you can sleep here" she said and I look at her. I smile at her and nodded my head.

"Okay" I said and she hid her face. I laugh loudly and walk towards her.

"Are you shy? Pfft you are the one who asked me to sleep here" I said and I remover her hand. She look at me and she pout.

"Uhm we are not dating yet and I asked you to sleep here" she said and I pull her closer. I lift up her face and kiss her nose. Her face automatic turn into red and I giggle.

"You are cute, want us to be legal?" I said and she look at me.

"I mean like boyfriend girlfriend label" I continue and she pinched my cheeks.

"This is your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" she askes that made me smile. Why she is so cute? Hshshshshsh

"So are you willing? To be my girlfriend?" I asked and she nodded her head. I smiled and pinch her nose. She hug me and hug her more tight.

Rosè's POV

I saw him...with other girl. I try not to cry in the van and close my eyes. What do you expect? He would find other girl to love him not like you do to him.

"Are you okay?" my manager asked and I nodded my head. I open my phone and look at our last picture. It was my graduation.

"I saw him did you invite him?" my manager asked that made me look at him.

"Yes" I said and he nodded his head.

"He looks like he is happy" he said that made me smile. I'm happy that he is happy but my heart isn't. Still love him for all this years.

"Be happy with him focus on your career that is more important" he said and nodded my head. Yeah focus on the career. I remember him earlier, I saw him picking out some flowers.

Why he pick red tulips? I thought he loves rose. Maybe he changed now and I just shook my head. Stop thinking about him you just hurt him.

Chaeyoung's POV

"Please don't leave me please. I love you so much please don't leave"

I wake up from a dream and I catch my breathe. I slowly get off of the bed without waking Mina up. She is sleeping peacefully and I smile.

I go to her kitchen and I drink a glass of water. Gosh why I still dreaming about the break up. I drink more and get to Mina's room.

I slowly lay down and face Mina. I touch her hair and caress it. She looks like an angel sleeping.

"Mina, don't leave like she did. Don't break me like she did. I can't manage another heartbreak" I whispered and kiss her forehead softly. I slowly pull her into a hug and I can feel her arms wrap in my waist.

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