Chapter 19: Let's take things slow

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Chaeyoung's POV

Gosh this is so embarrasing, we are now driving back to the base. And she is already sleeping, I can't believe that we did that. I never do that to my flings just flirting and nothing else.

"Hey Mina we are arrive" I said and she slowly open her eyes. Why she need to look to me? Gosh she is making me blushed. I look away and Officer Jeon welcome us with a smile on his smile.

"OFFICER SON CONGRATULATIONS! And you too Dr. Myoui" he said and he hug him. I flick his forehead to let go of me. He just smile and help us bringing our things inside.

"Congratulations Officer Son and Dr. Myoui because of the success we decided to have a party later at the field. The officers are already preparing for the foods and drinks. We have prepare a simple program like a talent show. So get in your rooms and take a rest" Officer Park said and she is with Officer Kang smiling us.

Looks like he got better huh, I carry my bags and get inside my room when Mina pull my clothes.


"Nothing" she said and she run I laugh because she looks like a penguin running away from me. I get inside of my room and take off my shirt when my door open.

I look back and I saw Mina looking at me with a blush on her face. I raise my eyebrows and she cover her face with a hand. I loudly laugh and pull her inside.

"Why are covering your face? You see this alot of times why you still covering" I said and put my dirty clothes at my laundry basket.

"Whatever" she said and she just sitting there.

"What do you want?" I said and I was about to go to the bathroom when she said something.

"About last night, do you regret it?" she said that made me look at her. I smiled and sit beside her.

"Look at me" I said and she look at me. She is about to cry when I lean closer to kiss her lips. I quickly pull away and I giggled when I saw her blushed madly. I swear she is so cute gosh I want to kiss her again.

"No never I would regret it. I'm just shocked that we did it but the words that I said last night. It's true" I said and she look at me. Her eyes is shining, it's beautiful.

"Do you remember?"

"Yes of course. Mina I like you" I said and she smile while covering her face. Oh my gosh she looks cute right now. I giggled and remove her hand to her face.

I traced my fingers to her moles that looks like a constallions.

"Let's take things slow, okay?" I said and she nodded her head. I still need to completely move on from her and then I will asked her to be my girlfriend. This time it's real.

"Okay, I just want to clear things out. You know I don't regret about last night" she said that made me happy. I pull her closer to hug her and I feel her arms wrapped in my waist.

"You smell so good" she said and I kissed her head.

"Down there are you still sore?" I asked and she pinched my waist.

"What the fuck? That hurts!" I said and look at my waist. Gosh it marks and I saw her blushing so hard.

"Whatever, I'll go now" she said and left me there. I laughed and look at my tattoo. I guess she don't noticed my tattoo.

Mina's POV

"Minari how is the little journey?" Momo unnie asked and I blushed again because I remember what happen last night.

"It's okay" I whispered and I put my head in my table. I try to hide my blush but it's too late when Momo noticed my blush. She look at me and I look away. Gosh I think she sense something.

"Uhm I think something happen" she said while looking at me. Yeah something happen and hide my face more.

"AHA! Something happen, right? You and Officer Son?" she asked and I lift my head. I guess I can't lie to her and she looks excited.

"Well I can't lie to you and I think like Officer Som" I said and she screamed in front of me. I quickly covered my ears and she is jumping in front of me.

"I knew it! I knew it that you would fall in love with him" she said and she hitting me now.

"Yeah you know he is kind and sweet. I like guys that has a nice smile, he got that nice and beautiful smile" I said and she smile more widely.

"Sana and Tzuyu never failed about setting you two up. Did he say something to you that make you realized about liking him?" she asked that made me blushed again. I remember last night again.

"He said he likes me after we had-" Momo choked and she wided her eyes. Her eyes are shaking while holding at my shoulders. I smile awkwardly and she hit my head again.

"What the? You two are not couple yet then you do that?! Gosh you are not our baby now" she said while wiping her fake tears.

"We are both drunk, okay?" I said and she smile again. She look creepy omg

"Is he good? Big?" she asked that made me blush again. I feel dizzy oh my gosh.

"What the, I'm not gonna answer that" I stand up to avoid her other questions. I check the medical report when I received a message from the director that we can back to the hospital next week.

"Did you get the message?" I asked Momo and she nodded her head. Why so sudden? Argh I want to stay here more.

"We had no choice but to go. You can still see your officer when we are at city" she said and I nodded my head.

The party that Jihyo prepared for us is alreadh starting. I noticed that they are not wearing their uniforms but they are wearing their casual. I smiled and join Jihyo with Daniel.

I looked around and I don't see him yet. Jihyo noticed that I was looking at him.

"Chaeyoung is preparing for his intermission with Jungkook. Don't miss him so much" she said that made me blushed. The two of them teased me more and we all stop when the mini stage light up and I saw him smiling with a guitar.

His eyes automatic look at me and he flashed his bright smile. He start played his guitar.

(See the video above)

Fly me to the moon And let me play among the stars
Let me know what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In others words, darling, kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forever more
You are all I worship
All I long for and adore In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Fill my heart with joy
And let me sing forever more
You are all I worship
All I long for and adore
In other words, please be true In other words, I love you

For whole the time he sing the song, he can't leave his eyes on me. He winked at me that made blushed hard. He knows how to make a girl blush. I can feel my hearbeat so fast.

He finished his other song with Jungkook. They both step down and go our direction. He immediately sit beside me and secretly hold my hand under the table.


"What?" I whispered, the people around us is enjoying the performance. He lean over and he whispered something.

"I like you" he said with a smile on his face. Gosh he really knows how to make me blushed.

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