Chapter 10: Friends

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Mina's POV

"You should say sorry!" Momo unnie said to me and I sighed. Maybe I was too harsh to him and I judge him too early.

"I should but I was right though- ouch" I said while massaging my forehead where she hit. Staying here is good and relaxing but why I can't stop thinking about him?

"You just compare him to his bestfriends, it is painful you know. I can feel like he is a good guy and Dubu said to me that he is not hurting girls. He said he has reason for that" Momo unnie said to me. I just nodded and sit in my table.

"Where could I find him?" I asked Momo unnie but she just shook her head. I sighed and go out of the clinic since there was no patient there. While walking I saw some officers that are playing football and some are working out.

I sat one of the bench and to my surprised that someone sit beside me. I was shocked that Officer Son is beside me. He give me a small smile and look at the officers that are playing. I notice that he is wearing his uniform with a bag on his side.

"Why are you here? You don't have any patient?" He asked still his look at the field.

"Nope, about earlier I'm sorry. I didn't compare you to your bestfriends. They are different also you are different too" I apoligized and he look at me.

"No it's okay, well about me being a playboy. Don't worry I already stop"


"Earlier hehe" he said and he gigled. I can see his left deep dimple. He look like a child while laughing. I just chuckled and he look at me.

"Don't worry Dr. Myoui, I already regret about ditching you. I feel bad and I feel like I'm useless" he said and I shook my head. His eyebrows furrowed and he look at me with a confused eyes.

"You are great on your own. Don't think yourself an useless. You save my life and I will be the one who will thankful to you. You are just dumbshit that's it!"

"I was about to happy about your statement but the last one. Dumbshit? That was pretty harsh" he said but he still smiling. He is really a good guy, why he can't be pissed about what I was saying.

"It's okay Dr. Myoui my bestfriends are calling me that. So you wanna be my friend?" he said while smiling and he offers his hand. Be friends with him it's not bad. Maybe being friends with him is alreadu enough.

"Okay I will accept but we are just friends" I said and he accept it. He stand up and he is about to leave but I stopped him.

"Where are you going?" I asked and he smirk. I hate those smirks he look like a pervert old man.

"Work of course, do you want to come with me? Just an one day patrol at the eco park" he said and I nodded my head.

I think it's not bad to be with him.

"So you can walk around. I will call you if someone is hurt" he said and he pushed me. He laugh at me and I glared at him. He brought me here and he can't accompany me. I just ignored him and walk around the park.

It's full of children with their family. I bitterly smile while looking at them. I had a family like that but things happen. I just ignored my thoughts and walk around.

I saw an ice cream stroll and I walk towards it. While waiting at the line, I noticed a girl that is looking at the vendor.

"Hey do you want some ice cream?" I asked her, she look at me and shyly nodded her head.

"What flavor do you like?"

"Mint chocolate" she said and I remember someone. I smile and tell the vendor a mint chocolate and cookies&cream flavor. I was about to pay but I realized that I only have my card.

"Make it three, strawberry ice cream please. Here" I saw Officer Son paying our ice cream. He smile at the vendor and I slowly get the ice cream. She look at my white coat and look at my name tag in my left chest.

"Thank you, Dr. Myo-ui" the little girl said and I smile at her. She leave with a big smile at her face. And I look back at Officer Son, I laugh when I saw him eating his ice cream like a kid.


"You look like a kid, wait stay still" I said and he stop eating. I get my handkerchief, I started wiping his mouth and he look stiff. I stared at his eyes he got a nice brown eyes.

"Ehem" I stop wiping his mouth when someone get our attention. I saw Officer Park with a big grin in her face.

"Looks like you two are having good time. Anyway Officer Son, I received a report that someone is missing we need to rescue. And about Dr. Myoui bring her with you" Officer Park said and we followed her. We got into her jeep wrangler and she open the siren.

"Do you have any first aid kit?" I asked and they nodded their head. After they look at the whole park we saw a child that is crying holding his leg.

We quickly get out and I approach the child with a first aid kit. Cuts and I saw some animal bite. I look at Chaeyoung who is observing the kid.

"Are you okay? What happen?" I askes while calming down the child. He slowly stop crying and he is pointing something.

"DR. MYOUI STAY BACK!" Officer Park said and I saw a mountain lion coming towards us. Officer Son and Officer Park are guarding us while they point their guns at the lion.

"Stay there, calm down" Officer Son said and he start approaching the lion. He shot the fire in the air to scare the lion. The lion got scared and runs fast as it can.

"Let's bring the kid in the quarter" he said and he carry the kid. He is not bad after all I can see his passion in his work. The brave he has it impressed me.

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