Chapter 36: Suspicion

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Chaeyoung's POV

I wake up early and I smile. Last night is making me blush. I rolled back and fort because I remember what Mina said last night.

Gosh I can't believe that she still love me for 5 years, I guess I am the luckoest guy in the world. I get up and start my morning routine. I get my airpod and my water to start jog around the base.

I was only in my jogging pants that's why other doctors and rangers are looking at me. I can't blame them, my body is attractive, I start jog around the base and I join some officers that are also jogging.

I stop when they invite me to join their zumba dance. I said yes and I start following them.

"Oh General you are a dancer huh" I saw Officer Kang looking at me. I just smile and focus on dancing. I look around if Mina is around but not. I wear nothing on top just to show her. What a sleepy head.

"General, Inspector Min is your office waiting for you" my assistant said and I nodded my head. I make sure to walk to the tent of the doctors if Mina is already awake.

"General good morning" one of the doctor said and I smile at them. I look around and I saw nothing but the female doctors are looking at me.

"Gosh General Son is so fucking hot. Look at thos biceps and abs"

"I wonder if he has a girlfriend if no one I will volunteer myself to be his girlfriend" I heared some of the female doctors said and I just ignore them. When I look back I saw Mina wearing her sports attire. She is sweating, wow she look hot her eyes met mine and I can feel my cheeks turn into red.

She smile at me that made my heart melt. Gosh she never fail me to make my heart flutter. I walk towards her and wave my hand.

"Goodmorning Dr. Myoui got a good exercise?" I asked and she nodded her head. I smile at her that made her smile from ear to ear. Her eye smile is somehow familiar, I don't know where I saw it but I think I saw it.

"Goodmorning General Son, the weather is kind of cool. The wind is refreshing that makes me relax" she said and I giggle, she looks adorable. She making my heart melt.

"That's good, air from the countryside is different from the city. I'm glad that you are enjoying" I said and I smile at her. I think we look stupid by just smiling for each other.

"I sense something"

"Me too, they look like a couple that really love each other"

"Yeah look at their eyes it's screaming love"

"They look so cute together. I wonder if they have something for each other"

"Fit for each other, a handsome general and a beautiful doctor. I want a military men like General Son"

I heared some people saying and I tap her shoulder.

"Have a good day" I said and she look at me walking away from her. I look back and secretly gave her a wink. I saw her blush that made me smile like a stupid.

"What do you think, this one or this one?" I asked Jungkook hyung while lifting a black sunglasses and a brown sunglasses.

I saw him sigh and just look at me. I throw a pillow at him that made him laugh.

"You don't need to be handsome to her. You are handsome for her eyes, don't worry so much. Gosh you are annoying me" he said and I smile from what I heared from him.

Yeah, I'm already handsome but I need more to make me more handsome. I pick the black sunglasses and I wear it. I look myself at the mirror and smile, gosh I am so handsome. I saw Jungkook hyung faking his vomit and I kick his feet.

"Let's go, gosh you are annoying" I said and he just laugh.

While we are monitoring the medical mission. I saw Mina busy talking to a kid, I smile when I saw her smiling genuine to the kid. She slowly pat his head and poke his cheeks.

"She looks like a mother, right Chae?" I look back and I saw Jungkook hyung smirking at me.

"Shut up, just assist some aldults and make them comfortable" I said and push him away. He is laughing like a crazy person while walking like a zombie. He has no hope.

I go to the food section to get some juice and sandwich. I slowly walk behind her and leave the juice and sandwich. She look back at me and I just smile.

"Don't forget to eat" I said and she smile at me. Well I secretly get a cup of henz ketchup just for her.

"Partner it with ketchup, good luck" I said that made her laugh. I feel alive just listen to her laugh. It is the most soft voice I ever heared.

"Thank you General and you should eat. The weather is getting hot and always drink water" she said and I nodded my head. Well she is still a doctor, she is caring to her patients including me.

I saw some doctors looking at me and I just smile at them. I slowly walk out and help the other officers.

When the second day finished we helo them to fix everything and clean the area. I saw her stretching her back, maybe she get tired of the all day sitting on the uncomfortable chair.

I walk towards her and snatch the broom that she is holding.

"I'm gonna take care of this, rest a little bit and take a bath. You work hard this day"

"No no no, I can still manage. It's unfair to the other doctor that also cleaning" she said and I stop sweeping. I cleared my thoart.

"Everyone the doctores should take a rest for today. The military personnel will take care of this. Have a good rest and sleep" I said and I heared them saying thank you to me. I smile at Mina who is smiling to me.

"You are amazing General" she said and she look around if someone is looking at us. She move closer and she lean to closer.

"I will go to your office later" she whispered and I blush madly, she is hot when her voice is like that. I smiled and nodded my head, I saw walking like a happy kid back to her tent.

"Clean neatly boys" I said and I heared them whining. I just laugh at them and happily sweeping the floor.


"Let's go to my room, someone might barge in and we are doomed" I said and she nodded her head. I hold her hand while we are walking to the other room that connects on my office.

I'm glad that they are okay with the set up I want. It's more easier to me to move since I always in my office all the time.

"How are you?" I asked and I pull her to sit in my lap. Mina smile and wrap her arms around my shoulders.

"I'm good, happy to be exact because I saw some people that happy. You know that it's satisfying to see that people are happy because we are helping them" she said and I smile at her. Helping people is still her priority.

"Yeah that's one of my reason why I love you" I said that made her blush

"W-what? Gosh you are unbelievable" she said and I give her a smack on her lips. She blush more and hit my shoulders.

"Haha you are so cute Mina, let's kiss hurry" I said and I pout my lips. She just giggle and she lean closer to me when her phone suddenly rings.

She look at it and her eyes wided. She quickly got off me and she walk away while she answer the phone.

My eyebrows furrowed, why she walk away? She can answer the call in front of me. It doesn't matter to me and I don't have a plan to listen to their conversation.

I got curious and I stand up to see what she is doing. She is making me like this, I massage my temple and look who is she talking.

"Baby wait for me, listen to me. I will go home when I finish my work here. Okay...just wait for me. Okay I love you and I miss you" she said that made walk away.

I close my eyes to relax myself, does she have a boyfriend in the city? Maybe just her family members but why I am crying?

I ignore my thoughts and focus on what is happening right now. Mina can't do such things, she can't.


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