Chapter 31: A love that never leaves

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Mina's POV

"Mina" he said my hands start to tremble when he smile to me. He looks got even more attractive. He looks even mature.

"Mina!" I look back and I saw Bambam holding a bag. My heart went drop when I realized that he is holding Minjae's bag.

"I think you are talking go someone. I'll go first" he said and tap my head. I look at the two who is furrowing their eyebrows.

"Nice to see you again but I have to go" I said and gave them a small smile. Walking faster to catch up Bambam, he noticed that I am his side.

"He is the father of Minjae, right? I saw his pictures at your wallet" he said and I nodded my head. He just smile and wrap his arms around me.

"Minjae is sulking he doesn't want to go home yet" he said and I sigh.

"Yet meaning there has a chance that he would go home" I get in the car when he put the bag in back. And he get in start the car.

"Talk to him later, they are at the Yoo's residence. He left his bag earlier that's why I get back" he said and I nodded my head. I close my eyes and my heartbeat is beating so fast.

5 years we never contact each other, at first I thought that it will vanish but it still here. I still love him but the fear I had still here.

"Mommy look at my strawberry pajama!" Minjae when he saw me. I giggle how cute and he is flexing it in front of me. I saw Naeun 2 year old baby of the Yoo's she is also wearing a strawberry pajama matching with Minjae.

"You look too adorable" I said and take him a picture. I will gonna upload this on my social media.

"Come here baby" I said and he sit in my lap. I change his position facing me and he smile at me.

"You supposed to go home with your noona" I said and he pout in front of me.

"I don't want to go home"


"Because you are not with me" he said and lower his head. I hugged him and kiss his head.

"Baby look, mommy needs to work. How can I give you all the things you need and wants if I will not work?"

"Then I stay here with you" he said and I sigh. If I can baby I will bring you but the chances that Chaeyoung might see you.

"No one will take care of you. Nana and Paps are at home, they will get sad if you stay with me" I try to convince him but I think he has a lot of reason to stay here with me.

"Then you can bring me with you, I'm gonna be a good boy, I will not cause trouble" he said while smiling at me. Gosh he never give up.

"Baby mommy works at the hospital. They are a lot of sick people there and I don't want you to be there. You can still see me every saturday and sunday, I will go home" I explained and he looks defeated. He got off of me and he start to walk away with me. I guess he is upset.

"I will talk to him" Bambam said and he ruffles Minjae's hair. I heared then laughing each other and they are now teasing each other. Minjae really close with him.

"Mina can I ask you a question?" Nayeon unnie said and she sit beside me. I look at her and nodded my head.

"Are aware that Bambam has feelings for you? I'm sure that you are not dense" she said and I nodded my head. I know, I can feel it but he is my friend nothing means more.

I met him at the hospital when I was checking up for Minjae. He is a soldier doctor that helping other doctors in the medical mission. He is good guy but he is my friend, only that.

"I know but he is my friend"

"So you let him be close to your son than to his real father? Mina, I'm just concern on Chaeyoung's part, he is the real father but other person is taking care of his own son" she said that hit my guilt. She is right but I need to make sure that everything is safe before I introduced him.

"Don't worry unnie Bambam knows his limitations. We already talk about this"

"Mina I'm not forcing you but he needs to know his father, he is growing and we don't want that Minjae feel hearted to his father"

"Minjae is smart boy, he will understand this. I will make him understand" I said and she nodded her head.

"You can go now Bam thank you for helping us" I said to Bambam and he just smile at me. He should start to date someone. I'm concern that he can't date other woman because he is taking care of us, especially Minjae.

"You're welcome, if you need something don't hesitate to call me. And about Minjae, don't worry about him" he said and I smile to him. He is big help to us, especially to Minjae.

"Bam, you should stop taking care of us and you should date. You are getting older, I don't want you to get older without a family on your side" I said that made him sigh.

"Mina I don't think I can date anyone in these state. Mina you know I like you" he said

"Bam you know that you-"

"I know, I'm aware but please don't stop me for caring to you and to Minjae. In this way I'm satisfied. Can I ask you something?"

"Okay, shoot"

"Do you still love him? Minjae's father" he said and look at his eyes.

"Years passed but he is still in my heart. My love for him never leave" I said that made him smile. I'm sorry but he is still the one I love.


Mina 🔒 @mina_ri

Minjae in his strawberry pajama😍🥰

Minjae in his strawberry pajama😍🥰

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Sana @chou_sana
Handsomeeeeee like his father😂❤

Momo @hiraim


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