Chapter 34: Do you still love me?

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Mina's POV

"Hello?" I answered while walking away. I heared Minajae shouting my name in the while Yuna is keeping him quiet.

"Unnie Minjae is not eating- ouch ouch"

"Mommy don't believe her! I am eating!" I laugh when I heared them arguing. I miss my babies.

"Baby how are you?" I asked and they stop arguing when they heared me talking.

"I'm fine mommy, I just miss you mommy. Don't worry about me because nana and papa is taking care of me"

"But what about me? I was with you all the time" Yuna said

"Uhm sometimes you are scolding me so it's okay, I still love you" he said that made smile, he might be little hard headed but he never fail to show how he feels towards us.

"Mommy how is your work? Are you tired?"

"No I'm not tired. You know that I can do it" I said and I heared his giggle.

"Okay mommy take care always. I love you so so so much. I miss you" he said that made my heart melt.

"Baby I love you too, I miss you" I said and ended the call. I was about to back on my tent when I saw Chaeyoung who is looking at me.

"Chaeyoung-" he stop me and he gave me a sad smile.

"It's okay, I will go now" he said and he left me there hanging. I take a deep breathe and get back on my tent.

I take a short bath and slam myself on the bed. I close my eyes and relax myself.

"Should I really tell Chaeyoung about Minjae? But he deserve to know. Okay I made up my mind, I will tell him after the medical mission. This is it" I convince myself and sleep.

"Good morning Mina!" Jennie said while smiling at me. I smiled back and take a bath. It' good that there has a bathroom for the girls and boys.

I wear my white polo with a red prints on it, Minjae picked it to me that's why I always wear it. I tucked it in my skinny jeans pair with sneakers. I don't want to wear heals I don't want to get a cuts on my feet. I put my white coat with my name tag and a two ballpens in my mini pocket. I also wear my customize stethoscope.

Minjae once scold me wearing a high heels on work. He saw my cuts on my ankle, I remember how cute he is when he is scolding me.

"Good morning, is everything good?" I asked and they nodded their heads. When the gate open my mouth went hanging when I saw a lot people lining up.

"Fighting!" our head doctor said and I take a deep breathe. The officers are taking care of the people that is waiting in the line by giving them a food and water.

We classified the people into kids, teens and adults. I'm good with everything, I also studied about pedia. The mother of the kid is smiling at me while she is carrying her child.

"What is his name?" I asked and the mother tell me everything. The boy is suffering from an asthma and she is worried that might fall into something serious.

"Can I saw his hand?" I asked and they gave me his hand. I scan his fingernails and I noticed that it is more darker than the normal color of fingernails.

I check his hearbeat and the way he exhales and inhale. I give them a vitamins and I refer them to the cardiologist for the check up.

The check up went smoothly and I realized that is already lunch. They give us a 1 hour lunch break, the people keeps arriving.

I saw Chaeyoung talking to Officer Jeon. His eyes meet mine and I look away. I just ignore him and continue eating.

The medical mission start again and later on I feel the pain in my back. I slowly stretch my back and someone tap me.

"Uhm drink this" Chaeyoung said and I nodded my head. I put it in my side and I saw the girl smiling so much.

"Doc is he your boyfriend? You two look so cute together" she said that made me blush.

"Nope he is not, he is my friend" I said but the girl is still smiling.

"Doc he is looking at you all the time. Based on my observation" she said and I look back. I saw him looking at me but he loo away, I saw his red ears and I laugh.

"Just ignore him" I said and continue on my work. Day 1 is already done and I stand up. I feel my body is aching and I slowly stretch myself.

God this is more tiring than checking the patients in the hospital. Some of the officers helping us to fix the medicine and the mess. I look around, maybe he is at the his office.

"He is at his office, you can go there" I flinched and I turn back. I saw Officer Jeon smiling at me.

"Gosh you scared me" I said and he just laugh. He doesn't change anything, he is still smiley and silly.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine, nice to see you again Officer Jeon" I said that made him giggle. He is looking something when he found something he gave it to me.

"Can you give this to Chaeyoung? I will monitor the deliveries, please" he said and I was about to protest but he already run while waving his hand.

I don't have a choice but to give this to him. It is a flashback, maybe for their work. I was walking in the hallway when I bump into Jihyo.

"Oh Mina, where are you going?"

"Where is Chaeyoung's office? Jungkook gave this to me" I said and she taught me the way to his office. I thanked her and follow her instructions.

I knock on his door and I heared his voice. I slowly open his door and I saw him looking at the book. He lift up his head and he shocked to see me.

"What are you doing here?"

"Officer Jeon gave me this" I said and give him the flashdrive. The moment when we touch our hand, he hold my hand tightly and I look at him.

"Can we talk? I have question to you" he said and I gulped.

"Do you still love me?" he asked and I just look at him. I look away and take a deep breathe.

"What do you think?"

"Mina just answer me" he said, I don't have lie right now. I don't want to put another lie to a lie.

"Do you still-"

"Yes" I said and my eyes wided when his soft lips landed on mine. I close my eyes and answer to his kisses.

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