Chapter 32: Medical Mission

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Chaeyoung's POV

"General Son"

Who is he? That guy in the hospital last night, I don't know him even Sana. Gosh I'm going crazy. Maybe he is Mina's boyfriend? I shook my head and massage my temple.

"Son Chaeyoung"

No Chaeyoung you are more handsome than him. But who is he? Why he is with Mina? Are they close? How come they met?

"Chaeyoung listen!" I flinched when Jihyo noona slammed her hand in front of me. She is kind of angry now.

"W-what it is?"

"We will having a medical mission in the base, the people in the town will come" Jihyo noona explained and I nodded my head.

"I will the one who will take charge of it?" I asked that made her sigh and massage her temple.

"Of course! Do you want me to change it?" she asked and I shook my head. Mina is still in my head, gosh all these years she is still making me crazy.

"Nope I will take care of it" I said and she gave me a letter that I will give at the hospital for the volunteer doctors.

I wonder if Mina is back at the hospital? Or does she just visit Sana?

I was about to enter the hospital when Inspector Min called me. I smiled and approach him. He give me a salute and I salute back.

"Good morning General" he greet and I greet back.

"Can I talk to you? About the investigation, I have some updates about it" he said, I nodded my head and sit in the nearest cafe around the hospital.

"I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear?" he said and I think about it. Which has nice to hear? The good news or the bad news?

"What about both of them?" I answered and he fix his glasses. He pull out a folder and open it.

"Good news is someone came in the office to be the bystander about the incident. He said that he is camping at the time and he lost. He heared a crashing sound that's why he found out that two that responsible for the incident" he said and I nodded my head that is the good news.

"And about the bad news?" I asked and he sigh.

"Rosè and her family is nowhere to be found. The address that the police gave me, their neighbor said that they already move out before the day you woke up. I also check the airport if they leave the country and they said that they never leave the country meaning that they are still here" he explained and I nodded my head. My head is aching now, I don't know what to do.

"Continue your work and the investigation. Thank you for the hardwork inspector" I said and he bid his goodbye. I know that Rosè is behind about the incident that I suffer. But we still need a hard evidence to prove that she is the mastermind for all this.

I was walking going to the hospital when I saw Mina getting out of her car. I noticed that she gotten more beautiful and mature. She looks so elegant walking with a bag on her arm.

I was about to call her when Somi called me and I smiled at her. Actually she change so much, she is more kind now and she is not brat now. We are actually close now.

"General Son what are you doing here?" she asked and I show her the letter that Jihyo gave me.

"I will send this to your director can you give this to me?" I said and she nodded her head. I look around to find Mina but I can't see her now.

I have something to do so I leave the hospital when I bump into a kid. I look down and I saw this kid again. I smiled and he smiled to me.

"Wow Mr. Dimples nice to see you here" he said and he look me from the my head up to my toe. I was wearing my uniform I guess he find it amazing.

"Mr. Dimples are you a soldier?" he asked and I nodded my head. I laugh at his reaction, gosh he is so cute.

"Wow you are amazing Mr. Dimples! You know my uncle is also a soldier!" He said excitedly

"The same uncle that leaves you at the convience store?" I asked and he nodded his head. I was about to ask his name but for the 3rd time I didn't get his name.

"I'm sorry Mr. Dimples but I need to find my mom or else she will get angry" he said and he runs like a naruto style. He is a adorable kid, I didn't get his name. What a waste


"Boys hurry up! The doctors will be arrived in a few minutes!" I said and I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw them moving like a turtle.

"Move faster!" I screamed and I noticed that a military truck arrived. Maybe they are the military doctor.

I walk towards them to welcome them when I familiar figure go out of the truck. He is the guy that Mina is with and wait....he is also the guy that the kid is talking about.

I am confused! How come I don't recognized him. He smiled at me and give me a salute. I salute back and he introduced his name.

"Good morning General Son, I am Sergeant Kunpimook Bhuwakul or you can call me Sergeant Bambam I am the head chief of the military doctor. Nice to meet you General Son Chaeyoung" he said and I smiled. He call his men and I welcomed them inside of the base.

"This is the house tent for the military doctor. You can have a rest now and if you some problems or concern call one of our patrol rangers" I said and they nodded their head. I saw them unpacking their things and another military truck arrived.

It is the volunteer doctors from the different hospitals based on what Jihyo noona said. The head doctor smiled at me and he introduced the 10 doctors including him but I scam and they are missing one person.

"Excuse me but you are missing one person" I said that made them look each other. One of the doctors raise their hand and I look at her.

"She is talking to someone- oh there she is" she said that made look at the person who is walking towards us.

My heart literally dropn when I saw Mina smiling while holding her bag. Our eyes met, she is shocked to see me but she look away.

"General Son this is our best doctor, Dr. Myoui Mina" he said

"I know her" I said that made the other doctors look at us. I'm still looking at her but she is looking away.

"She is our temporary doctor" I said and they nodded their heads. I lead them to their tents that is not far awat from the military doctor.

The medical mission is a big event since Jihyo noon told the other towns to come over for the free check ups and medicine.

I look at Mina who is fixing her things. I want to hug her, talk to her but I need to be careful. They are a lot of eyes looking at us. I don't want her to be in trouble.

I will make a way to talk to her

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