Chapter 18: That night

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A bucket of holy water for you guys

Mina's POV

I'm not that drunk but his kisses make me drunk. He is hella hard right now. I can feel his hard on my center. I keep grinding it faster. He kiss me slowly down to my jaw and down to my neck.

"Don't leave any mark" I heavenly said and he nodded. He carry me going to the tent while kissing and licking my neck.

He kiss me again and his hands start to roam around my body. He unclasped my bra and he stop kissing, stare at my upper body.

He close the tent and start kiss me again. He slowly push me to the comforter and massage my right breast. While his other hand start unbutton my shorts and massage my thigh.

I feel hot right now. He stop kissing me and stare at me. His eyes met mine then down to my breast he lean and sucked it. I moaned and push his head more. While he licking and sucking his hand massage the other sides.

I feel so wet right now. He stand up and start to unblucked his pants. I pull down my shorts with my panties and he look at me. I see his proud member fully erected. I gulped because this is my first time.

Should I do this?

He is about to pumped it but I stopped him. I reached it and move my hands up and down that make him moan. I continue making it more hard. He push me again and he position himself.

I bit my lower lip when I feel his head rubbing at my center. I moaned and I screamed when he suddenly push it inside.

"FUCK!" tears are falling in my eyes, I feel getting ripped inside. He got panic when he saw me in pain. He kiss me again and he whispered.

"Sorry I'll be gentle" he said and he slowly push it. I bit my lower lip and feel the pain.

"You are tight, are you-"

"I'M VIRGIN YOU DUMBSHIT" I said that made him laugh. He fully insert his member and look at me. Goddammit it's painful.

"This is my first time Mina" he said and he start to move, he move slowly as I adjust to his member. As passed by I start to feel the pleasure.

"Faster" I said and he nodded his head. He start to thrusted faster and harder that made moan his name.

"Ah shit" I said and I hold into his broad shoulder. The more he speed up the louder my moan is.

"Oh my god Mina" he groan I feel that I was on my edge when he pull it out. He put my right leg on his shoulder and start thrusting inside me again.

I moan his name over and over again. He pinned me down and give me one hard thrust that made rolled my eyes. The pleasure that he give me is so good.

He push himself harder and faster when he hit my spot. He spread my legs wider and thrust again.

"I'm cumming" I said and my legs trembled when I explode. He give my few thrust when he pull out and cum on my stomach.

I was panting and he let go of my leg. He get a tissue to clean himself and myself. He lay beside me and he pull me closer.

"Mina I think like you" he said that made me look at him.

Is he serious?

I didn't even say a word and hug him. I close my eyes and fall asleep hugging each other.

Third's person point of view

"Okay that's good, lunch break!" the director said and she stand up. She is holding her guitar while walking down the stage. She have her practice for her upcoming concert.

She is going back to her waiting room when she saw Jeonghun waiting for her while holding a drinks in his hand.

"Jeonghun!" she said and Jeonghun look at her. He smiled and give her the drink he bought earlier.

"How is the practice?" he asked and they get inside the room. She put aside her guitar and sip into her strawberry milkshake.

"Good anyway I thought that you are im duty? Why are you here?" Jeonghun looked at her.

"Sergeant Chou push me back. So I can go to your concert" he said that made her choke on her drink.

"What?!" Jeonghun smirk and drink his americano.

"I heared that you invited my brother? I thought that you are gonna let him go? What happen to you?"

"I just want to see him"

"You know what stop acting like you still cared for my brother. He suffered a lot because of you" he said that made her pissed.

"Wow you talk like you didn't hurt him aswell"

"Mine is different, I distant myself because of you. I wish I stayed beside my brother instead of you" he said

"Then why you choose to stay beside me?"

"Because of your father request. I don't want my brother lost his liscence for people like you" he said and he is about to leave when he turn back to her and said.

"I hope that Chaeyoung is already move on to you, Rosè" he said and he left her there.

Rosè massage her forehead and she look at her guitar that Chaeyoung personally customized it.

Chaeyoung's POV

Morning came when I feel a heavy in my arms. I wided my eyes when I saw Mina naked beside me. Then I remember what happen last night.

Oh god you are so stupid Chaeyoung. I slowly withdraw my arms that wrap in her body and slowly put the blanket in her body.

I already put my clothes on and I finding my shirt. Where the fuck did it go?

I fix our mess and slowly put it in the back of the jeep. I sit in the trees and bump my head. What have you done? Mina and me would be so akward. Stupid Chae.

"What are you doing?" I jumped in surprised to see Mina behind me and she is already on her clothes. I look away and I turn red.

"Just warming up hehe" I said and run away because of embarrasement. I heard her laugh and put my white clothes. I saw her walking slowly. Did I make her sore? I slap myself and I saw her stretch her body.

My eyes travelled down to her butt and I look away. What the fuck? You had enough of her stop being a pervert.

"Are you okay?" she asked and I look at her, the worry on her eyes that made me melt.

"Yes, I supposed to ask you? Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded her head. She turn red and I turn red too. I clearly remember what happen last time.

"About last night I'm sorry. I'm just drunk and sorry for taking advantage to you. I'm sorry for taking your first"I said and she just smile. I thought she would be angry to me because of what I did but she is smiling...?

"No need to say sorry, anyway I enjoyed it so I don't mind you are my first" she said that made me red as tomato.

"I need water" I said and run to get a drink.

Note: It's my first time writing some hot scenes hshshshshs anyway thank you for the reads!

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