Chapter 11: Feelings

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Thank you so much Officer!" the kid's mother thanked to me and I smile at her. The kids is now stable thanks to Dr. Myoui, she is talking to the kid with a big smile on her face. She looks adorable!

"Stop smiling Officer Son. You have work, remember?" Jihyo noona said and I just look at her. I was about to back to work when Dr. Myoui called me.

"Thank you"

"Uhm I'm just doing my job" I said that made her laugh. She spoke softly and she also laugh softly. I feel like I'm going to melt.

"I mean the ice cream. I'm going to pay you back" she is about to pull out her wallet but I stop her.

"No need, it's my treat. So I'll get going see you later Dr. Myoui" I said and she smile at me. I was smiling like an idiot while walking. I saw a tall man talking to our frontline. He look back and smile at me.

Why is he here? Tzuyu walk towards me and he hug me. I hugged him back while tapping his back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him and he smile at me. He give me a ticket that made my heartbeat fast.

"She visit me earlier in my office. I was shocked to see her and she give me the ticket. Are you gonna see her concert?" He said and I look at the ticket.

"You? And Dahyun?" He shook his head and I nodded my head. I give back the ticket to him and look at his eyes.

"I'm not going to attend. Tell her that I am busy. I'll get going I have work" I said and I left him there. I can't see her ever again. I don't want any trouble and seeing her can make my life destroy again.

While I was standing at the entrance of the park. I was guarding the entrance while waiting of the officers. I saw some families are going home and some are couples. I smile at them and I saw Officer Kang.

"Sir!" I salute at him and he give a folder. I open it and I saw reports about this group of illegal hunters.

"Thank you, Officer Kang are on duty right now?" I asked him and he nodded his head.

"Yes sir, Officer Jeon will be with me. The said illegal hunters are roaming around the forest"

"That's good, I will in charge next week. I need someone to be with me. About this group of illegal hunters, observe them first before we attack" I said and he nodded his head. He said that he will accompany me while we are talking about the illegal hunters when we heard a loud bang.

"What the actual...let's go!" I said and I resquest a back up. We are both running towards the gun shot. When we saw the guards are lying down with a shot on his legs.

"OFFICER BECAREFUL!" he said while he stopping the wound. I already ready my pistol and carefully look at the surroundings. Officer Kang is in the other side.


I look back I saw one of the hunters. I aimed my gun to him and he is wearing a mask. All black outfit and he is holding a rifle. He is stepping towards me and I step backwards.


"It doesn't matter..OFFICER SON" he said and I can his evil smile behind that white mask. I shot his legs but he is quick to dodge it. I fire again and he fire against me.

Lucky that I was hiding in the tree and I shot against him. He is fast and he fire again. I saw Officer Kang that also shooting at the illegal hunters.

He fires again and I look back but to my surprised he is already near me. He tries to stab me with his knife but I dodge it and grab his arms, twist it. He drop his knife and gun. He punch me in the face that make me drop my weapon. He was about to get his gun but I charge him with a hard punch in his face.

I kick him in his stomach, he fall while touching his stomach where I kick. I was about to remove his mask but to my surprised one of the illegal hunters stab me in my back.

"OFFICER SON!" I heard Officer Kang said before I lost my concious.

Mina's POV

"Thank you for the help Dr. Myoui. You are not just beautiful but also kind" the kid's mother while smiling at me. I blushed because of the compliments and shyly smile at her.

"You're welcome, I have this reponsibility to treat people. It's nothing" I said and the kid smile at me. The father of the kid gave me a keychain, it was a football design and I remember someone.

"That keychain is crave by me, I am working at the factory. It's my thank you gift for saving my son's life" the father said to me and I smile at them. I hid the keychain at my pocket. I heard the siren and the officers open the emergency door.

"Dr. Myoui and Dr. Hirai, Officer Kang is hurt together with Officer Son" he said and run towards the jeep and I saw Officer Kang holding his arms. Momo unnie walk towards him and him go to the bed.

My heart breaks when I saw Chaeyoung, his back is bleeding. I rush towards him and check if he is awake.

"Officer Son! Do you here me?" I said but he is still not responding. His lips are pale and I told them to out him to bed.

I get a scissors and ripped his uniform. I start to cleaning his wound. I check his pulse and I was relieved that he is still breathing. I start to clean his wound and stitch it up. Glady that the wound is not that deep.

I finish it up and he is still sleeping. I check Officer Kang and he got shot. He quickly bring to the city hospital for the operation. I check Chaeyoung's vital signs and he is stable.

I'm glad that he doesn't lost many bloods. I sit beside him and fix his hair. While caressing his hair, my heart start to beat fast.

Why I am feeling this to you? Why I feel that I need you beside me? I shouldn't feel this way, you are my friend nothing more.

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