Chapter 30: Scared

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Mina's POV

"How is your baby boy?" Nayeon unnie asked and I just smile at her. I look at the baby that is beside me sleeping.

"He is fine, look unnie he is cute right?" I asked and she nodded her head. Bambam get inside and he smile while holding a plastic.

"What is that?" I asked and he give me the plastic. It contains a box of donuts with a different flavors. Nayeon unnie eyes went heart and get one of it. I giggled while looking at her, she got more big she is pregnant with her second baby.

"Anyway where is Yuna and Minjae? And where is my brother?" I asked continuos and he scratch his head. That kid is making me mad. I get my phone and start to call Yuna. They are not answering.

"Where are they? I told Yuna to straightly go here. And you lost Minjae last night, how come you lost him?" I asked and he awkwardly smile

"Uhm you know your adorable son that he always make a way to get what he wants" he said and I massage my temple. Minjae is kind of adventerous, he likes travel so much. He is curious of something he doesn't know.

Once he found something that interest him, he will asked you a non stop question until he gets it. He is a smart kid to be exact.

"Did Yuna say something to you? I will get them" I said and left Bambam with Nayeon unnie. Jeongyeon oppa is still at his duty that's why he can't go with us.

I smiled at the little baby who is sleeping and I was to go out when I saw my brother with his wife.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes I need to find Minjae anyway how are you?" I asked his wife and she give me a small smile.

"Getting better, how is my baby?" she asked and I point their baby. He is my adorable nephew.

"Anyway I will go now" I said and go out of the room. While I was walking my eyes wided when I saw Momo unnie with Tzuyu. I was about to change my direction when they saw me.

"Minari!" I smiled at them, they walk towards me and they gave me a tight hug.

"How are you? Minari you didn't tell us that you leave and go home. We didn't know until Director Kim said that you transfer hospital" Momo unnie said and I just smile at them. I want to explain but I need to find those two.

"Let's talk later, I have emergency" I said and I was about to walk away when Tzuyu said something.

"Sana is already gave birth, visit us later" he said and I nodded my head. I already know that Sana unnie is already pregnant, glad she gave birth succefully.

"They are making me mad" I said while driving to the art gallery that Bambam said. I parked my car at the parking lot when a familiar car catch my eyes.

That car looks familiar, I ignored it and get inside of the art gallery. My son likes art so much. He likes to draw and color.

"I want to buy this" a man said behind me that made me froze. That voice, I miss those voice. Instead of looking back, I try to walk straightly without looking back.

I want to see how he looks but I can't. Too scared to face him, to scared to be hurt. I don't want to face him.

I saw Minjae with Yuna pulling her t shirt.

"Noonaaaa let's call mommy-"

"Minjae" I said and my son look back at me. He looked shocked to see me and he smile at me. He slowly walk towards me and hug my legs.

"Did Minjae make mommy mad? I'm sorry" he said and he is about to cry when I carry him and kiss his cheeks.

"No baby, I'm just upset. You always run away and make us worry. Next time don't do this" I said and he nodded his head. I wipe his tears and I told Yuna to hold my bag.

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